Non-binding assay microplates are fitted with wells that protect and minimize surface adsorption of sample molecules. Microplates have a wide array of homogenous usages incorporating vessels or plate readers for reactions where products need to be transferred in the future. Plates typically come in the 96-well variety and may be constructed from an assortment of materials. Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ 96 DeepWell™ Polystyrene Plates feature round bottom, deep wells that have a 900μL capacity per well, to enable agglutination assays large samples.
Content And Storage: Store at room temperature. Description: Pierce 96-Well Microplates for BCA-RAC Assays. Detection Method: Colorimetric. Packaging: 5/Pk.
Quantitating protein samples is an important step before gel electrophoresis or Western blot analysis, and for measuring bound versus free protein levels in protein binding assays. The choice of assay format is often based on other components in the sample mixture.
Cell viability assays for flow cytometry are reliable methods to distinguish live and dead cell populations. Removing dead and dying cells from your flow cytometry data is critical to enable the accuracy of your results and analysis.
MTT cell proliferation plate assays require cellular metabolism to modify the reagent and thus, only live cells will be counted. Is this true for CyQUANT Direct Cell Proliferation Assay, too?