Ion Chromatography Columns

Ion Chromatography Columns

Columns, cartridges, and guard columns for separating samples based on their interactions with a resin stationary phase and an eluent mobile phase. Products employ various separation modes and are available in formats including standard bore, microbore, and capillary.
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112 Products
  • Anion-Exchange Packed IC Columns (44)
    Carbohydrate and Amino-Acid IC Columns (18)
    Cation-Exchange Packed IC Columns (17)
    Concentrator IC Columns (13)
    IC Trap Columns (8)
    Reversed-Phase IC Columns (6)
    Ion-Exclusion IC Columns (3)
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Resolve a large number of inorganic anions and organic acids in approximately 15 minutes with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS11 Analytical & Guard Column. The Dionex IonPac AS11 is a relatively low-capacity column designed for fast gradient screening of inorganic anions and organic acid...
Resolve a large number of inorganic anions and organic acid anions in complex matrices with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS11-HC Capillary, Analytical & Guard Column. Complex sample matrices such as chemical wastewater effluents and fermentation broth solutions contain a variety of...
Measure trace bromate and other oxyhalides in drinking water, ground water, wastewater, and other diverse sample matrices with Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS19 Capillary, Analytical & Guard Columns.
Designed specifically for compliance monitoring of inorganic anions in accordance with U.S. EPA Methods 300.0 (A), the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS22-Fast column combines the selectivity of the Dionex IonPac AS22 column with super-fast separation times.
Separate common cations in as little as four minutes using methanesulfonic acid (MSA) or sulfuric acid eluents with Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS12A Cation-Exchange Columns. These medium-capacity, carboxylate-functionalized cation-exchange columns are recommended for fast, isocratic...
Deliver fast isocratic separation of inorganic anions from diverse and complex matrices such as drinking water, wastewater, foods and beverages, and scrubber solutions with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS14A Carbon Eluent Anion-Exchange Column.
Resolve polythionates, persulfate, polysulfonated aromatics, and aromatic dyes and pigments with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS32-Fast-4μm column. The unique selectivity of the Dionex IonPac AS32-Fast-4μm column allows it to resolve trace amounts of perchlorate in matrices containing high...
Analyze trace-levels of inorganic anions and organic acids using isocratic or gradient methods with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS10 IC Column. Its high capacity permits the analysis of trace-level analytes in high-ionic-strength matrices.
Deliver excellent results for fast isocratic separations of inorganic anions in diverse matrices with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS14 Carbon Eluent Anion-Exchange Column. This universal column for the separation of inorganic anions delivers improved peak resolution and retention of...
Use these shorter 150mm Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS18-Fast columns for fast runs when monitoring inorganic anions in drinking water and wastewater samples for compliance with U.S. EPA Methods 300.0 (A) and 300.1.
Separate inorganic anions and oxyhalides in simple matrices using an isocratic carbonate/bicarbonate eluent with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS9-SC Carbonate Eluent Anion-Exchange Column. The Dionex IonPac AS9-SC column is specified in US EPA Method 300.
Separate multivalent and polarizable anions in 25 minutes without solvents using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS25 column. This high-capacity, hydroxide-selective, anion-exchange column is ideal for the determination of sulfur species in complex matrices such as food and beverage samples...
Use these concentrators for general purpose anion concentration for high-purity water analysis. Use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ TAC-LP1 Trace Anion Concentrator Column for low-backpressure operation (<60 psi at 2mL/min) and the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ TAC-ULP1 Trace Anion...
Analyze phosphoric and citric acids in cola soft drink samples in less than 7 minutes with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ Fast Anion IIIA column. This rugged hydroxide-selective anion-exchange column delivers rapid, reliable results using an isocratic potassium hydroxide eluent delivered by...
The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex IonPac Anion Analyte Trap Column will remove all the analyte anions from a sample in RFIC systems with Eluent Regeneration.
Use a strong anion-exchange column with the Thermo Scientific™ DNASwift™ SAX-1S Oligonucleotide Column that provides exceptionally high resolution for the purification of oligonucleotides.
For fast analysis of aliphatic organic acids and alcohols in complex or high-ionic strength samples, the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ ICE-AS1 Analytical & Guard Columns delivers consistent reliable results.
For fast chromatographic analysis of simple sugars in biofuel and food samples, use Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ SA10 Analytical & Guard Columns. These anion-exchange columns provide fast, efficient separations of mono- and disaccharides without compromising resolution.
Simplify trace analysis of perchlorate in drinking water, surface water, and groundwater matrices using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS20 Capillary, Analytical & Guard Columns. The capacity and selectivity of this column ensures that perchlorate can be quantified at low μg/L concentrations...
Use these longer 250mm Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS18 columns higher resolution separations of more complex sample matrices. Dionex IonPac AS18 columns are high capacity hydroxide-selective anion-exchange columns.
Use Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ ATC-HC and ATC-HC 500 Anion Trap Columns to strip anionic contaminants from deionized water or RFIC-EG eluents to prevent them from reaching the guard or analytical column. These high-capacity trap columns are designed specifically for use with RFIC-EG systems.
For isocratic separations of mono- and disaccharides in foods, drugs, and plants, the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA10 IC Columns provide superior selectivity. Combined with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD), this anion-exchange column delivers high-resolution separations.
Obtain predictable, high-resolution, high efficiency separations of food sugars, namely mono-, di-, tri-, tetra- and pentasaccharides in various types of food samples. Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA210-Fast-4μm IC columns resolve and quantify glucose, galactose, fructose, sucrose, rhamnose,...
For fast analysis of aliphatic organic acids and alcohols in complex or high-ionic strength samples, the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ ICE-AS6 Analytical & Guard Column delivers consistent, reliable results.
When using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS15 column, the Dionex IonPac AC15 Concentrator Column is the anion concentrator of choice. The Dionex IonPac AC15 concentrator is offered in two formats, 4 x 50mm and 2 x 50mm. The 2mm format minimizes dead volume when operating microbore systems.
Separate inorganic anions and oxyhalides, such as chlorite and bromate, in environmental samples. The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS12A Analytical and Guard Columns resolve trace chloride and sulfate in high-carbonate samples and meet or exceed the requirements of U.S EPA Methods 300.
Achieve the optimal combination of chromatographic speed and resolution in separating organic acids and inorganic anions in complex matrices using the new Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS11-HC-4μm Capillary, Analytical & Guard Column.
Attain the optimal combination of chromatographic speed and resolution using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS22-Fast-4μm column. Designed specifically for compliance monitoring of inorganic anions in accordance with U.S. EPA Method 300.
When using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS10 Anion Concentrator Column, the Dionex IonPac AC10 Concentrator Column is the anion concentrator of choice. The Dionex IonPac AC10 concentrator is offered in two formats, 4 x 50mm and 2 x 50mm.
Use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ TMC-1Trace Metal Concentrator Column to concentrate trace metals for chelation ion chromatography. Containing a fully sulfonated high capacity cation exchange resin, the Dionex IonPac TMC-1 column has ion-exchange capacity with affinity for alkaline-earth,...
Use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ED Electrochemical Detector AAA-Direct Installation Kit with the PA10 Analytical column and IC Electrochemical detection.
Separate polar amines with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS18 Cation-Exchange Column. This low-capacity, carboxylate-functionalized column is specifically optimized for the separation of common cations, small polar amines, and moderately hydrophobic and polyvalent anions using simple...
For high-resolution mapping and analysis of oligosaccharides released from glycoproteins, use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA200 Analytical & Guard Columns to provide sensitive and specific detection.
When you need to quickly separate perchlorate in drinking water prior to detection with MS/MS, the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex IonPac AS21 hydroxide-selective anion-exchange column is column of choice. This column is specifically listed in U.S. EPA Method 331.0.
For separation of a wide variety of polyvalent anions, including polyphosphates, polyphosphonates, and other polyvalent complexing agents, the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS7 anion-exchange column delivers excellent results.
Separate haloacetic acids and bromate in drinking water samples with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS24 Analytical & Guard Columns. This high-capacity hydroxide-selective anion-exchange column was developed specifically for the separation of haloacetic acids and bromate in drinking water...
Quickly determine common inorganic anions in high-purity water matrices with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex IonPac AS17-C column. This low-capacity column is optimized for fast gradient separation of inorganic anions in simple sample matrices.
Obtain robust, reliable results and fast isocratic separation of common inorganic cations and alkanolamines using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS12 Cation-Exchange Column. This is a high-capacity, cation-exchange column designed for the fast, isocratic separation of lithium, sodium,...
Obtain consistent, reliable results for the determination of disparate concentration ratios of ethanolamine and ammonium in diverse sample matrices using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS15 Cation-Exchange Column.
Remove ionic contaminants from eluents continuously, without the need for offline chemical regeneration. Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CR-TC Continuously Regenerated Trap Columns are electrolytically regenerated trap columns specifically designed for Reagent-Free™ ion chromatography (RFIC™) systems.
Determine disparate concentration ratios of adjacent eluting cations such as sodium and ammonium in diverse sample matrices using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS16 Capillary, Analytical & Guard Column.
Analyze disparate concentration ratios up to 10,000:1 of close-eluting cations such as ammonium and sodium using Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS16-4μm and CS16-Fast-4μm columns. Designed specifically for the analysis of cations at diverse concentration ratios, this high-capacity column...
For general purpose anion concentration for high-purity water analysis when using carbonate eluents, consider the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ TAC-2 Trace Anion Concentrator Column. The Dionex IonPac TAC-2 column is a pellicular anion-exchange concentrator column with a capacity of 3.
Preconcentrate cations for high-purity water analysis or trace analysis of transition metals with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ TCC-2 Trace Cation Concentrator Column. This pellicular cation-exchange concentrator column with moderately low void volume (∼50 μL) is designed primarily for...
Use newer Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS12A columns as substitutes for Dionex IonPac CS2 Analytical & Guard Cation-Exchange Columns. Dionex IonPac CS2 columns are only available in limited quantities for customers who have established validated methods using this column.
Use the newer Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS22 columns as substitutes for Dionex IonPac AS4A Analytical & Guard Cation-Exchange Columns. Dionex IonPac AS4A columns are now only available in limited quantities for customers who have established validated methods using this column.
Use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MetPac™ CC-1 Cation Concentrator in chelation IC and IC-ICP to concentrate cationic transition metals from high-ionic-strength matrices. This concentrator has high selectivity for transition and lanthanide elements relative to the alkali and alkaline-earth metals,...
Analyze inorganic anions in high ionic strength matrices using Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AS29-Fast-4μm ion chromatography (IC) columns. Specifically designed to handle high ionic strength samples, Dionex IonPac AS29-Fast-4μm columns can easily separate the common inorganic anions in less than 10...
Analyze aminoglycosides using the robust and rugged Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AmG-3μm C18 columns. These silica-based C18 columns are stable even when exposed to varied conditions such as low pH, high temperatures, organic solvents, and aqueous mobile phases.
Use these Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA200 IC Columns for Dual EGC Mode to obtain predictable, high-resolution, gradient separation of complex carbohydrates such as oligosaccharides when operating in Dual EGC mode on Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ICS-6000 HPIC™ systems equipped with Thermo...
Resolve quaternary amine cationic polar pesticides including chlormequat, mepiquat, paraquat, and diquat with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ CS21-Fast-4μm column. The unique selectivity of the Dionex IonPac CS21-Fast-4μm column allows it to resolve trace amounts of cationic polar pesticides...
Achieve high resolution separations of trace oxyhalides and inorganic anions in drinking water with Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS30 columns. The column selectivity has been optimized for trace level analysis of bromate in drinking water preserved with ethylenediamine (EDA).
Achieve faster separation of haloacetic acids (HAAs), bromate, and dalapon in drinking water prior to detection with ion chromatography (IC) and mass spectrometry (MS) with the new Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS31 column.
Analyze trace bromate and other oxyhalides in drinking water, ground water, wastewater, and other diverse matrices using the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ AS23-4μm columns. The high capacity and selectivity of this column facilitates the determination of trace bromate at low-μg/L levels in the...
RoboColumn™ chromatography products are small columns provided in 8-column strips. They are useful for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations using robotic liquid handling platforms. These particular RoboColumns contain POROS PI50 resin, a 50-micron weak anion-exchange resin...
RoboColumn™ chromatography products are small columns provided in 8-column strips. They are useful for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations using robotic liquid handling platforms. These particular RoboColumns contain POROS D50 resin, a 50-micron weak anion-exchange resin...
RoboColumn™ chromatography products are small columns provided in 8-column strips. They are useful for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations using robotic liquid handling platforms. These particular RoboColumns contain POROS HS50 resin, a 50-micron strong cation-exchange resin...
RoboColumn™ chromatography products are small columns provided in 8-column strips. They are useful for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations using robotic liquid handling platforms. These particular RoboColumns contain POROS HQ50 resin, a 50-micron strong anion-exchange resin...
Achieve high efficiency and high resolution analysis of glycans with the new supermacroporous-resin Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA300-4μm column. The Dionex CarboPac PA300-4μm column is an anion exchange column primarily designed for the analysis of complex oligosaccharides from...
For high-resolution separations of free amino acids, choose the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AminoPac™ PA10 Amino Acid Column. The Dionex AminoPac PA10 Column is packed with a hydrophobic, polymeric, pellicular, anion-exchange resin that is stable over the range of pH 0–14.
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We offer a complete line of ion chromatography columns for hydroxide, carbonate, and methanesulfonic acid (MSA) eluents, including anion and cation exchange columns in addition to amino acid and carbohydrate analysis columns, concentrator columns, trap columns and more.
Browse these resources for Dionex ion chromatography columns to learn more about how to choose the right column for your application.
Documents & Support (282)
Flyer: Ion chromatography column selection focus seminar in Frederiksberg
How is speciation analysis performed?