Engineered devices specifically designed to detect and monitor alpha, beta, or gamma radiation on personnel, items, or areas on land or sea; available instruments include fixed units or systems, handheld detectors, kiosks, wands, and portals.
Etched Steel, Plated (1)
Gas Proportional (1)
Metal Cabinet w/gas flow proportional detectors (2)
Metal Cabinet w/gas sealed proportional detectors (2)
Metal/Glass (2)
Plastic Scintillation (2)
108, 254 mm (1)
118 cm (6)
1330 mm (1)
150 cm with doors (2)
725 mm (14)
735 mm (1)
75 cm (2)
825 mm (4)
837 mm (6)
975 mm (4)
14,617 cm2 (2)
15,601 cm2 (16,114 cm2 with optional 2nd foot detector) (4)
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
Nuclear facility personnel working in radiation controlled areas risk contamination. Without an effective radioactive contamination monitoring system, these incidents cause significant downtime, employee stress, and lost productivity.
In the metal recycling industry, discarded radioactive materials can seriously contaminate a shredder, baler, steel melt or bag house, resulting in significant clean-up costs and lost productivity. The Thermo Scientific™ RadEye™ GR Grapple Monitoring System is a wireless radiation detection system...
Thermo Scientific™ HFM11 Series high-efficiency Hand and Foot Monitors help to reduce monitoring times; the longer hand detectors provide wrist and forearm coverage and there is an optional frisker probe available for additional monitoring.
Prevent the spread of radioactive contamination beyond the controlled area at your nuclear facility with an automated, easy-to-use monitor. The Thermo Scientific™ LAM12 Large Article Monitor screens large-sized items for gamma emitting radionuclides and measures down to clearance levels less than 0.
Quickly and thoroughly monitor articles used in radiation-controlled areas for radioactive contamination with a precise, computerized, measurement control solution. The Thermo Scientific™ SAM12 Small Articles Monitor is a well-proven, reliable, rugged instrument that monitors articles for...
This product has been discontinued. For an alternative, please see IPM96 Whole Body Contamination Monitor and iPCM12 Installed Personnel Contamination Monitor.
In a radiation emergency, precise data on the conditions of and around personnel is needed fast. The Thermo Scientific™ ViewPoint™ Enterprise Remote Monitoring Instrument Group is a family of hardware and software solutions that facilitate rapid response and reduced radiation exposure through remote...
Thermo Scientific™ FHT 1388 S Modular Radiation Portal Monitor is a highly sensitive and highly reliable system for automatic and continuous radioactivity detection. It provides continuous radiation monitoring for moving trains and trucks, borders, and other crossing points.
Thermo Scientific™ FHT 1376 Mobile Gamma Radiation Detection System is a portable tool for effectively addressing the problems of orphaned sources, radiological contamination, and maliciously introduced sources. GPS-supported mobile system detects gamma radiation with extreme high sensitivity.
Safeguard public health whether the situation is emergency response or routine radiation monitoring. The Thermo Scientific™ Matrix Mobile ARIS™ Detection System is an advanced mobile solution for radiation survey, patrol and isotope identification in applications such as nuclear incident response,...
Keep industrial americium and neutron orphan sources out of your scrap metal operation with a highly sensitive neutron detection system. When radioactive materials get into the scrap metal stream, the costs of clean-up and disposal, and the health risk to workers, are significant.
Thermo Scientific™ Safety-Guard Series I of radiation detection systems offer optimized protection against illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. Offer significant gains in detection sensitivity for screening packages, people, or vehicles, for incident prevention and response.
For radiation measurement, identification, or monitoring only., From routine monitoring and surveillance to emergency response situations, Thermo Fisher Scientific’s advanced, integrated radiation detection and measurement instruments mitigate radiological threats to keep you safe.
Delivering dependable safety and security solutions for more than 50 years, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of products for any industry. Breadth – Full product suite, for a wide range of radiation detection needs.