Content And Storage: Store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light. Cell Type: Keratinocyte Cells, Epithelial Cells. Classification: Animal Origin-free. Classification: Chemically-defined.
Content And Storage: • 500 mL Defined Keratinocyte-SFM Basal Medium; store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light • 1 mL Defined Keratinocyte-SFM Growth Supplement; store in freezer (-5 to -20°C) and protect from light
Complete Medium: store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light. Cell Type: Keratinocyte Cells, Epithelial Cells. Classification: Serum-free. Concentration: 1 X.
Content And Storage: Storage conditions: 2°C to 8°C. Protect from light Shipping conditions: Ambient Shelf life: 12 months from date of manufacture Classification: Animal Origin-free. Classification: Chemically-defined. Classification: Protein-free.
Content And Storage: • 500 mL Keratinocyte-SFM Basal Medium; store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light • 25 mg Bovine Pituitary Extract (BPE); store in freezer (-5 to -20°C) and protect from light • 2.5 μg EGF, Human Recombinant; store in freezer (-5 to -20°C) and protect from light
Complete Medium: store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light
Content And Storage: • 1 x 1000 mL bottle CTS OpTmizer Expansion Basal Medium, store at 2°C to 8°C, protect from light • 1 x 26 mL CTS OpTmizer Expansion Supplement, store in the dark (at 2°C to 8°C.) Cell Type: T Cells. Product Type: Serum Free Medium (SFM). Without Additives: No Phenol Red.
Content And Storage: OpTmizer™ T-Cell Expansion Basal Medium (1 x 1000 mL bottle): Store at 2–8°C. Protect from light.
OpTmizer™ T-Cell Expansion Supplement (1 x 26 mL): Store in the dark at 2–8°C. Culture Environment: CO2. Cell Type: T Cells. Classification: Serum-free.
Content And Storage: Dry format medium. Store in the dark and dry at 2°C to 8°C. Cell Line: CHO DG44, CHO-S, cGMP Banked, CHO-S, CHO-K1, GS-CHO, HEK293. Classification: Animal Origin-free. Classification: Chemically-defined.
Content And Storage: Store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light. Cell Line: CHO DG44. Classification: Animal Origin-free. Classification: Chemically-defined.
Content And Storage: Store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light. Cell Type: Endothelial Cells. Culture Type: Mammalian Cell Culture. Form: Liquid.
Cell culture medium is vital for providing the necessary components to support cell growth and function. Components in cell culture media supply your culture environment with nutrients and growth factors for the cells to behave as expected.
Media supplements are often a vital component of successful cell culture experiments. There are many advantages of using cell culture supplements including customizing the growth conditions of your cells, improving cell viability and growth, and keeping cells healthier longer.