Cytokines and Receptors Reagents and Kits

Cytokines and Receptors Reagents and Kits

These products include cytokine and receptor reagents, kits, immunoassays, arrays, and other staining products used for cytokine analysis and metabolic processes.
Products (16)
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Documents & Support

16 Products
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Three Invitrogen Molecular Probes fluorogenic reagents—CellROX Deep Red, CellROX Green and CellROX Orange —have been developed for the detection and quantitation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in live cells.
Optimized real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis enables sensitive and specific quantification of nucleic acids. Reagent selection plays a critical role in any qPCR or RT-qPCR protocol to help ensure optimal performance and reliable results.
Documents & Support (835)
Why would the Luminex acquisition software display "Sample Empty" messages during analysis?
Is it possible to determine cytokine concentration in samples with low protein concentrations, such as cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)?