Magnetic affinity separation particles are used for affinity purification and separation of antibodies, antigens, proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules. These products include paramagnetic particles and activated affinity purification beads for benchtop immunoprecipitation procedures and magnetic protein separation workflows based on antibody, streptavidin, GST, and titanium dioxide ligands.
Antibody Coated Bead (4)
Antibody Coupling Kit (1)
Bead with Amine Group (2)
Carboxylic Acid Magnetic Bead (4)
Cell Separation Magnet (2)
Co-IP Kit (1)
Dynabeads Intact Virus Enrichment (2)
Epoxy Bead (2)
IP Kit (2)
IP Kit and Magnet Starter Pack (2)
Magnet Starter Pack (5)
Magnetic Affinity Bead (26)
Magnetic Agarose Bead (6)
Magnetic Beads (8)
Magnetic Capture Plate (1)
Magnetic Head (1)
Magnetic Separator (2)
Magnetic Stand (4)
Superparamagnetic Beads (6)
Tools and Accessories (1)
Tosylactivated Bead (4)
Iron Oxide (9)
Magnetic Polystyrene (7)
Polystyrene (11)
Liquid (19)
Liquid Suspension (7)
1 Sample Vessel and Elution Vessel Assembly/Cartridge (2)
Speed and sample purity are major concerns for proteomics researchers, and strategies to achieve higher throughput for sample-handling and data-processing are desired. Magnetic particles comprise a convenient solid support for a variety of assays and procedures based on affinity purification.
Dynabeads products center around the goals to provide reliable and reproducible results for the purification and analysis of cells, proteins, exosomes, DNA, RNA, and other molecules. Dynabeads magnetic beads and products deliver highly cited results in the research industry across multiple...