Water Bath Covers

  • Bath Accessories
1 - 7 of 7 Products

Flat Stainless Steel Bath Covers for Lindberg/Blue M™ Baths Thermo Scientific™

Minimize heat loss and maintain bath temperature until ready for next application with Thermo Scientific™ Flat Stainless-Steel Covers.

Concentric Ring Covers for Lindberg/Blue M™ Multi-Purpose Circulating Baths Thermo Scientific™

Use Thermo Scientific™ 2–, 6– or 8–ring Concentric-Ring Covers with Lindberg Blue/M baths.

Work Area Covers for Thermo Scientific™ Refrigerated and Heated Bath Circulators Thermo Scientific™

Work Area Covers for Thermo Scientific™ Refrigerated and Heated Bath Circulators include stainless-steel covers, and covers with leveling devices.

VersaLid for VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath, reversible hinged lid Thermo Scientific™

Utilize the VersaLid for optimal performance with the Thermo Scientific™ VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath.

Cover for Precision™ Water Baths Thermo Scientific™

Complement your water baths with a gassing hood, gable cover, designed to fit large flasks, or concentric ring cover for steaming.

Covers for Aquabath Water Baths Thermo Scientific™

Ensure temperatures are maintained using Thermo Scientific™ Covers for Aquabath Water Baths.

Gable Cover for VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath Thermo Scientific™

Utilize the gable cover to accommodate larger size beakers for optimal performance with the Thermo Scientific™ VersaCool™ Refrigerated Circulating Bath.