Laboratory Scientist Analyzing Drug Test

Complete solutions for automated drugs of abuse testing

Rely on our drugs of abuse testing (DAT) products as a complete solution for your drug testing program, including sample collection devices, an expansive test menu, compact bench-top clinical analyzers, and data management options. When it comes to administering a reliable and efficient drug test for a wide range of drugs of abuse, laboratories around the world test with confidence using our Thermo Scientific™ CEDIA™ and DRI™ technologies, widely accepted as the leading methods for testing urine samples. With our DAT solutions, you can obtain rapid, accurate, and reliable results for your busy lab.

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Drugs of Abuse Testing Overview
Webinars, Videos, Educational Resources, and Publications

Drug screening and confirmation workflow

Our solutions are designed to integrate into your existing operations whether you need to optimize throughput, sensitivity or build your lab of the future – from component to full workflow options.

Sample Collection for Drug Testing

Sample collection and storage conditions for drug testing are critical to maintain the integrity of samples. Collection of oral samples requires specialized tools that are simple and easy to use yet allow enough sample collection for further downstream analysis. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers efficient tools to collect and store samples that are a requirement for many clinical labs.

Drug Screening

Rely on our drugs of abuse screening solutions as part of your drug screening and confirmation testing program. Thermo Scientific™ offers a variety of screening options to be used as stand-alone instruments or integrated into your laboratory automation workflow. Our systems are designed to offer you the best solution to support your unique laboratory challenges while improving operational efficiency and result integrity.

Watch our video to learn more about automated drug testing.

Indiko™ Clinical and Specialty Chemistry system

• Rapidly screen urine
• Easy to use for new analysts
• Process 120 samples per hour
• Fully automated
• Methods traceable to international reference
  methods and materials

Related screening products

• Chemistry analyzers
• Diagnostic instruments for laboratory developed tests

Indiko™ Plus Clinical and Specialty Chemistry system

• Rapidly screen urine
• Easy to use for new analysts
• Process 190 samples per hour
• Fully automated
• Methods traceable to international reference
  methods and materials

Automated testing and analysis for drugs of abuse

Automated random access benchtop solution for small and medium laboratory settings. 

What is Automated Drug Testing?

Automated drug testing is easier than one might initially think. Watch our video to learn more about the Thermo Scientific™ Complete Automated Drugs of Abuse Testing Solution and how it can fit the needs of your drug testing program.

Drug Screening Reagent Kits

Drug screening laboratories around the world test with confidence using our gold standard Thermo Scientific™ CEDIA™ and Thermo Scientific™ DRI™ technologies, widely accepted as the leading methods for testing urine samples. With our drugs of abuse testing solutions, you can obtain accurate and reliable results rapidly on a wide range of clinical chemistry analyzers. Streamline your laboratory’s productivity with our convenient, liquid, ready-to-use DRI assays.

Learn more about urine drugs of abuse testing

DRI drugs of abuse assays

• Oxycodone
• Ecstasy
• Tricyclics
• THC (Cannabinoid) 
• Cocaine

CEDIA drugs of abuse assays

• Heroin Metabolite
• Buprenorphine
• Benzodiazepines
• Amphetamine/Ecstasy
• Methadone Metabolite

Sample Collection for Drug Testing

Sample collection and storage conditions for drug testing are critical to maintain the integrity of samples. Collection of oral samples requires specialized tools that are simple and easy to use yet allow enough sample collection for further downstream analysis. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers efficient tools to collect and store samples that are a requirement for many clinical labs.

Drug Screening

Rely on our drugs of abuse screening solutions as part of your drug screening and confirmation testing program. Thermo Scientific™ offers a variety of screening options to be used as stand-alone instruments or integrated into your laboratory automation workflow. Our systems are designed to offer you the best solution to support your unique laboratory challenges while improving operational efficiency and result integrity.

Watch our video to learn more about automated drug testing.

Indiko™ Clinical and Specialty Chemistry system

• Rapidly screen urine
• Easy to use for new analysts
• Process 120 samples per hour
• Fully automated
• Methods traceable to international reference
  methods and materials

Related screening products

• Chemistry analyzers
• Diagnostic instruments for laboratory developed tests

Indiko™ Plus Clinical and Specialty Chemistry system

• Rapidly screen urine
• Easy to use for new analysts
• Process 190 samples per hour
• Fully automated
• Methods traceable to international reference
  methods and materials

Automated testing and analysis for drugs of abuse

Automated random access benchtop solution for small and medium laboratory settings. 

What is Automated Drug Testing?

Automated drug testing is easier than one might initially think. Watch our video to learn more about the Thermo Scientific™ Complete Automated Drugs of Abuse Testing Solution and how it can fit the needs of your drug testing program.

Drug Screening Reagent Kits

Drug screening laboratories around the world test with confidence using our gold standard Thermo Scientific™ CEDIA™ and Thermo Scientific™ DRI™ technologies, widely accepted as the leading methods for testing urine samples. With our drugs of abuse testing solutions, you can obtain accurate and reliable results rapidly on a wide range of clinical chemistry analyzers. Streamline your laboratory’s productivity with our convenient, liquid, ready-to-use DRI assays.

Learn more about urine drugs of abuse testing

DRI drugs of abuse assays

• Oxycodone
• Ecstasy
• Tricyclics
• THC (Cannabinoid) 
• Cocaine

CEDIA drugs of abuse assays

• Heroin Metabolite
• Buprenorphine
• Benzodiazepines
• Amphetamine/Ecstasy
• Methadone Metabolite

Featured Application Note

Global Drug Abuse Trends: A summary of Journal publications on drugs of abuse testing immunoassays

This technical note describes the global public health crisis stemming from illicit drug use, delineates global drug trends by drug type and geographies and describes DRI and CEDIA immunoassay technologies for screening drugs of abuse. It presents a review of 16 key journal publications highlighting the performance and cross-reactivity of Thermo Scientific immunoassays on different analyzers.