Synthetic Drugs and Natural Substances

An educational presentation about Synthetic Cannabinoids and Natural Substances.  What are they, prevalence and abuse in the market, and options for testing, etc.

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Presenter, Pat Pizzo, provides understanding on what criminal justice systems are facing with the analysis of the many new synthetic drugs. We take a look at:

  • Synthetic cannabinoids
  • Synthetic opiates  
  • Synthetic stimulants
  • Synthetic hallucinogenic compounds

Can they be tested? What are the effects on a user? This presentation aims to answer these questions and more.

Presented at the 2017 National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) conference in Washington, D.C.


Former member of the Federal Drug Testing Advisory Board (DTAB), Director of Toxicology, Alere Toxicology Services


  •  Background on "Spice" and the Thermo Scientific Synthetic Cannabinoid Assays [SmartNote]
  •  List of Thermo Scientific Drugs of Abuse Tests [DAT Brochure]
  •  Benefits of Automating Drugs of Abuse Tests [Automation Paper]
  •  List of trade names, street names, drug metabolites, detection times, and more for commonly abused drugs [Poster]