Discover LABScreen Autoantibody detection

Testing for autoantibodies has never been more important as recent studies suggest a potential, long-term detrimental impact*. Employing single antigen bead technology, Thermo Scientific LABScreen Autoantibody Assays allow you to characterize and monitor a broad range of autoantibody targets in human sera. Following a familiar workflow and analysis algorithm, these assays can be easily integrated into your laboratory workflow without the need for new instrumentation or extensive retraining.


  • Ability to detect and monitor multiple targets, including collagen, myosin, vimentin, and LG3
  • Multiplexing capability—allowing simultaneous detection of up to 33 targets
  • Availability of negative and positive control sera
  • Testing of up to 96 samples in under 4 hours

LABScreen Autoantibodies coverage

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.