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SEM imaging and EDS elemental analysis

Even though scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has made tremendous advances, it can be considered by new users to be a complicated technique. Sample preparation, alignments, cost of ownership, and difficulties with analytical techniques prevent widespread adoption. We set out to resolve these challenges in order to make a truly accessible SEM without compromising on flexibility. Our goal was to make microscopy an easy and enjoyable experience in which you should not have to fight the microscope to obtain quality data. The result is the Thermo Scientific Axia ChemiSEM Scanning Electron Microscope, a system in which obtaining SEM-EDS data is no longer a chore. EDS is no longer just an afterthought—chemical data and imaging have now become one.

SEM EDS analysis

The Axia ChemiSEM is unlike traditional SEMs in that it always collects EDS data in the background. It uses unique algorithms to process the SEM and EDS signals simultaneously, allowing it to display the morphology and quantitative elemental make up of a sample together, in real time. It constantly processes EDS data in the background, giving you live updates on elemental data, as it is acquired. Elements found in your sample can be toggled on and off, allowing you to isolate areas of interest.

The Axia ChemiSEM features a superior user experience enhanced by automation, such as SmartAlign technology for alignment-free operation, newly developed automatic functions, and live quantitative EDS mapping. This always-on processing make analysis twice as fast, compared to traditional methods. The Axia ChemiSEM Scanning Electron Microscope puts SEM/EDS analysis within reach of a wider scientific audience, speeds up your workflow, and saves time on training.

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Key Features

Live quantitative elemental mapping

Update your Analytical workflow with fully integrated, cutting-edge Thermo Scientific ChemiSEM technology that provides characterization in half the time.

Easy to get started

Integrated User Guidance, live real-time compositional imaging, and alignment-free operation combine on this instrument to allow you to stay focused on data collection.

Flexible sample loading

The flexible stage accommodates samples up to 10 kg with x-y movement, and the door opens fully for easy loading of large, awkward samples - while retaining a very fast pump down time.

Excellent imaging performance

Easily handle a wide range of applications, including insulating samples with Low Vac operation and advanced beam scanning to ensure high-fidelity imaging

Diverse application software

Handle advanced applications with advanced system automation option, such as Thermo Scientific Maps™ Software, and customize workflow development with Thermo Scientific AutoScript™ Software.

Easy maintenance

Source exchange is easy and can be completed by any user, while the straightforward design translates to high uptime and rapid service when attention is needed.


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  • Motorized retractable backscatter detector
  • TrueSight EDS detector
  • Nav-Cam Camera—color optical camera for sample navigation
  • Manual User Interface
  • IR chamber camera
  • Maps Software for tiling and stitching
Electron beam resolution
  • 3.0 nm @ 30 kV (SE)
  • 3.0 nm @ 30 kV (SE) (low vacuum)
  • 8.0 nm @ 3 kV (SE)
  • 7.0 nm @ 3 kV (BD mode* + BSE)
  • Inner width: 280 mm
  • Ports: an Axia ChemiSEM Scanning Electron Microscope configured with BSED and EDS offers 5 available ports
  • XY: 120x120 mm
  • Tilt: -15 to +90 degrees
  • Rotation: n x 360°
  • With ZTR axes removed:
    • Max. sample height: 128 mm
    • Max. sample weight: 10 kg
Common options
  • Large TrueSight EDS detector
  • Quasor-II EBSD
  • ChemiSEM Advanced Technology for drift correction and quant maps per element
  • ChemiView license for offline EDS data processing
  • Beam Deceleration mode
  • CleanHeater stage (up to 1,100°C)
  • Photon cathodoluminescence detector
  • AutoScript 4 Software—Python-based application programming interface
  • Thermo Scientific TopoMaps Software for image colorization, image analysis, and 3D surface reconstruction
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On-demand Webinar: Meet our newest SEM

Attend this webinar to:

  • Discover zero-click elemental analysis that enhances accessibility and productivity with live quantitative elemental imaging.
  • Experience the future-proof flexibility of a large chamber, support of samples up to 10 kg, and enough ports to accommodate many accessories.
  • Find out how you can save time with fast pumping, automatic alignments, and an easy interface.

Watch webinar

BioLab Axia Customer Testimonial

Geological section
Section of a geological sample acquired combining the live quantitative elemental information and the navigation montage feature. The navigation montage allows to collect multiple images over a wide area automatically (in this case 13x13 frames have been acquired). Thanks to the instantaneous elemental information provided by Axia ChemiSEM, the montage shows the chemical variability within the grains over a large thin section and permits the user to identify areas of interest for further analysis.


Download our ebook, SEM and EDS Analysis in Industry, to learn more about:

  • How the joint application of SEM and EDS analysis supports in-depth material characterization for industrial applications
  • How our unique Thermo Scientific ChemiSEM Technology integrates these two techniques into a single, fast, easy-to-use package, which is accessible and valuable to novices and experts alike


On-demand Webinar: Meet our newest SEM

Attend this webinar to:

  • Discover zero-click elemental analysis that enhances accessibility and productivity with live quantitative elemental imaging.
  • Experience the future-proof flexibility of a large chamber, support of samples up to 10 kg, and enough ports to accommodate many accessories.
  • Find out how you can save time with fast pumping, automatic alignments, and an easy interface.

Watch webinar

BioLab Axia Customer Testimonial

Geological section
Section of a geological sample acquired combining the live quantitative elemental information and the navigation montage feature. The navigation montage allows to collect multiple images over a wide area automatically (in this case 13x13 frames have been acquired). Thanks to the instantaneous elemental information provided by Axia ChemiSEM, the montage shows the chemical variability within the grains over a large thin section and permits the user to identify areas of interest for further analysis.


Download our ebook, SEM and EDS Analysis in Industry, to learn more about:

  • How the joint application of SEM and EDS analysis supports in-depth material characterization for industrial applications
  • How our unique Thermo Scientific ChemiSEM Technology integrates these two techniques into a single, fast, easy-to-use package, which is accessible and valuable to novices and experts alike



Process control using electron microscopy

Process control using electron microscopy

Modern industry demands high throughput with superior quality, a balance that is maintained through robust process control. SEM and TEM tools with dedicated automation software provide rapid, multi-scale information for process monitoring and improvement.


Quality control and failure analysis using electron microscopy

Quality control and failure analysis

Quality control and assurance are essential in modern industry. We offer a range of EM and spectroscopy tools for multi-scale and multi-modal analysis of defects, allowing you to make reliable and informed decisions for process control and improvement.

Fundamental Materials Research_R&D_Thumb_274x180_144DPI

Fundamental Materials Research

Novel materials are investigated at increasingly smaller scales for maximum control of their physical and chemical properties. Electron microscopy provides researchers with key insight into a wide variety of material characteristics at the micro- to nano-scale.



EDS Analysis with ChemiSEM Technology

Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for materials characterization.

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Imaging Hot Samples

Studying materials in real-world conditions often involves working at high temperatures. The behavior of materials as they recrystallize, melt, deform, or react in the presence of heat can be studied in situ with scanning electron microscopy or DualBeam tools.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Cathodoluminescence (CL) describes the emission of light from a material when it is excited by an electron beam. This signal, captured by a specialized CL detector, carries information on the sample’s composition, crystal defects, or photonic properties.

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EDS Analysis with ChemiSEM Technology

Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for materials characterization.

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Imaging Hot Samples

Studying materials in real-world conditions often involves working at high temperatures. The behavior of materials as they recrystallize, melt, deform, or react in the presence of heat can be studied in situ with scanning electron microscopy or DualBeam tools.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Cathodoluminescence (CL) describes the emission of light from a material when it is excited by an electron beam. This signal, captured by a specialized CL detector, carries information on the sample’s composition, crystal defects, or photonic properties.

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