This tutorial explains how to use some of the new features (available in version 2021.1) of the Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) extension to perform a series of incremental measurements.

When looking at a set of deformed data, the strategy for processing the series changes depending on whether the cumulated strain levels are smaller or larger than 5%.

This tutorial demonstrates the strategy to follow if the cumulated strain levels for the series is larger than 5%, as a direct correlation with the reference image can be difficult or no longer possible. The tutorial first describes the different steps involved in processing a series of volumes in the deformed configuration, and then looks into the automation of the whole process using the Incremental Digital Volume Correlation module.

For details about the strategy to follow if the cumulated strain levels are below 5%, refer to the Incremental Digital Volume Correlation tutorial within the Avizo Software user's guide. 

To follow this tutorial, you should be familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo Software and of the Digital Volume Correlation extension or have performed the tutorial dedicated to Digital Volume Correlation analysis to be found in the user's guide.

To reproduce this tutorial, a Digital Volume Correlation license is required.

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