Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) has recently emerged as a powerful contactless, bulk strain measurement technique in experimental mechanics, materials science, and biomechanics. This technique adds a new dimension to your in-situ experiment by extracting 3D displacements and strains hidden inside your 4D data (3D + time). These 3D full-field measurements are particularly suitable for capturing complex phenomena such as localization induced by heterogeneities, thermal mismatch between constituents, micro-cracking, fatigue behavior, and phase transitions.

The solution of choice for Digital Volume Correlation

The XVolumeCorrelation extension for Amira-Avizo Software provides dedicated tools for Digital Volume Correlation (DVC):

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  • 3D full-field continuous displacement and strain maps with high precision/accuracy from volume images acquired during a deformation process (possible precision down to 0.1 pixel and accuracy/bias down to 0.01 pixel, or less, depending on texture and noise)
  • Subset based DVC method for large expected displacements (local method)
  • Finite element based DVC method for continuous displacements (global method)
  • Fusion of local and global methods allowing to tackle a wide range of applications
  • The displacements and strains are computed in a 3D mesh which can conform to the exact shape of the object, avoiding the need to trade-off for a smaller region of interest

  • Advanced post processing:

- Displacement and strain components visualized at grid elements (hexaedra/tetraedra) or nodes
- Convert grid’s nodal displacement to a regular dataset (3D image)
- Displacement vectors visualized at grid elements, nodes or on regular grid
- Extraction of principal strains, invariants, eigenvectors, equivalent von Mises and Tresca strains
- Iso-displacement and iso-strain mapping
- Deformation animation from the 3D grid

  • Link experiment with simulation by creating tetrahedral mesh with the Amira-Avizo XWind extension for FEA/CFD and applying DVC displacements at the mesh boundaries
  • Quantify deformation induced microstructural changes such as interface integrity or deformation induced porosity with Amira-Avizo advanced quantification and analysis toolset