Gas Isotope analysis is an established technique, yet new advancement have shown new capabilities in other fields than traditional applications.
In this webinar you will have the chance to learn about the benefits of the new scalable OH configuration for EA-IRMS which allows detecting origin of samples in diverse applications, discover how High-Resolution Gas IRMS extends the limits of stable isotope geochemistry and beyond, and learn more about oil and gas exploration.
Also, we are excited to present you new isotopically characterized reference gases (N2, H2 and CO2) for isotope ratio mass spectrometers developed in partnership with Air Liquide.
Key learnings
- New, fully scalable OH configuration for the Thermo Scientific EA IsoLink IRMS System and examples of analysis
- New Stable isotope ratio certified N2, H2 and CO2 gases for IRMS
- New applications for the Thermo Scientific Ultra HR-IRMS