Metabolomics, the investigation of small molecules present in a biological system, finds application in diverse biomedical and industrial research. In large-scale applications, targeted profiling of metabolites is employed as it provides confident measurements for compounds of interest. This requires analytical rigor so that concentrations of select metabolites can be measured reproducibly. However, sometimes the observed phenotype cannot be explained by only monitoring a subset of metabolites.
High-resolution, accurate-mass Thermo Scientific Orbitrap technology with polarity switching enables unbiased compound detection for the accurate analysis of target metabolites and the retro-mining of data to discover unknown biomarkers. In this webinar, we present a targeted profiling workflow for the nutrient evaluation of bovine serum samples as supplements in cell culture.
Key learning objectives
- Discover a targeted profiling workflow for accurate quantitation of knowns and the ability to retro-mine the data to discover unknown biomarkers
- Learn how to build in QA/QC in your metabolomics experiments for high-quality data and high-quality results
- See how the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer enables robust quantitative measurements of small molecules