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Learn more about our range of products for Western blotting and protein gel electrophoresis.


Protein Sample Preparation

Generate quality protein samples for analysis with optimized tissue lysis, cell lysis, and sub-cell fractionation buffers. Protect samples with convenient and effective protease and phosphatase inhibitors, ideal for the protection of proteins during extraction or lysate preparation.


Protein Gel Electrophoresis

Browse our high-quality protein electrophoresis products including precast gels, tanks, stains, molecular weight markers, and buffers.


Western Blot Detection Reagents

Quick visualization, precise quantitation, single-probe detection, or multiplexing — we offer a range of reagents, kits, and instruments for western blot detection and analysis.


Western Blot Imaging

Learn how to simplify western blot and gel documentation with our iBright Western Blot Imaging systems.