
Get your free copy of the Western blot tips, tricks and troubleshooting guide*

We understand that gaining publication quality results straightaway is not exactly the norm when performing western blot. This 32-pages handy guide provides you step-by-step tips and tricks to obtain high-quality, publishable western results. The troubleshooting section in this guide helps you visually identify specific problems on your blots, such as uneven sample lane, high background, weak or no signal, and suggest what may be causing them and some solutions to remedy them. Simply complete the form below to receive a free copy of the Western blot tips, tricks and troubleshooting guide.

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 Protein expression & production
 Protein isolation & purification
 Protein gel electrophoresis
 Western blotting
 Protein assays & analysis (protein interaction, enzyme and activity assays)
 Protein mass spectrometry
 Protein modification and crosslinking

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