Please have someone contact me with more information about trading in my current diagnostic qPCR instrument for a QuantStudio™ Dx Real-Time instrument.

Contact Information


Mailing Address


Job Role

 CEO / COO / President
 Vice President
 Department Head
 Principal Investigator
 Medical Doctor
 Post-doctoral fellow
 Scientist / Associate Scientist
 Student / Graduate Student
 Research Assistant / Lab Technician
 Lab Manager
 Purchaser / Procurer

Which clinical areas are of interest to you?

 Infectious Diseases
 Inheritable Diseases
 Companion Diagnostics

I have a (check all that apply):

 7500 Fast
 LC 480
 Rotor-Gene Q
 CFX96 Touch

If this product meets your needs, when do you intend to purchase? *

 0 to 6 months
 7 to 12 months
 13+ months
 No Purchase Plans

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