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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Knowledge can make all the difference when it comes to ambient air quality monitoring in workplace environments. The ability to quickly detect gases and identify unsafe particulate levels for personal exposure is critical to the health of your workers. Without such equipment, respirable particles can settle deep in the lungs, resulting in serious respiratory problems.
Thermo Scientific portable gas analyzers monitor ambient air in the workplace to help detect toxic vapors and gases. Our lightweight, portable instruments quickly measure a variety of single or multiple gases in the toughest environments including site remediation, fugitive dust, and coal mining. We offer unique products designed for field versatility, flexibility, and battery-powered portability to provide the critical information you need for quick response, identification, and analysis.
• Method 21 compliance (LDAR)
• Emergency response
• Environmental cleanup sites
• Monitoring industrial and material-handling facilities
• Remediation projects
• Indoor air quality monitoring
• Waste anesthetic monitoring
Quickly detect fugitive emissions of organic and inorganic compounds for U.S. EPA Method 21 and LDAR compliance. This lightweight, intrinsically safe portable detector offers a wide measurement range to satisfy a variety of field monitoring applications in a light-weight instrument with Bluetooth communication. The TVA2020 analyzer can be configured with both FID and PID technology for simultaneous detection and enhanced analytical capabilities.
The Thermo Scientific MIC-6, Multi Instrument Calibrator perfectly complements the industry leading TVA2020 to improve accuracy and save time for optimizing LDAR compliance monitoring.