Food microbiology testing information

From enrichment to identification

Solutions for isolation, detection and confirmation of microorganisms in meat, poultry, fruit and vegetables, seafood, dairy and other food and beverage products. We have solutions that simplify the workflow of a food testing laboratory using traditional (culture media), immunological and rapid real-time PCR methods to identify pathogens (Salmonella, Listeria) and routine (coliforms, yeast and mold) organisms. 

Culture Media Preparation Smart Notes

Free guide: save time and waste in your culture media preparation

Our culture media experts share their top tips in five key areas of media preparation to help you ensure your culture media is fit-for-purpose for accurate and easily interpreted results.

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Food testing information features


FSMA: Global Impacts for Microbiological Food Safety

FSMA: Global Impacts for Microbiological Food Safety

The U.S. is undergoing the most significant change in food safety legislation in 70 years with far reaching implications for the approach food manufacturers take to microbiological food safety globally.

White Paper

Making Food Safer According to ISO Methods

Review: Molecular Technologies Commonly Used in Food Pathogen Testing

DNA-based pathogen testing offers a faster time to result and the potential for improved accuracy. Learn more about the benefits and considerations of the different approaches.

White Paper

Making Food Safer According to ISO Methods

Impacts of Cleaning Up PCR Samples for Food Testing

An evaluation of the pros and cons of adding additional reagents to PCR assays for food testing applications and the potential impact on results.

Testing Guide

Find the right product for your FDA-BAM micro method

Find the Right Product for your FDA-BAM Micro Method

View our guide to FDA-BAM (Bacteriological Analytical Manual) methods. Easily and accurately identify foodborne pathogens using culture and rapid biochemical testing products.


Strategies to combat microbial hazards associated with fresh produce

Strategies to Combat Microbial Hazards Associated with
Fresh Produce

Supply of fresh produce on an industrial scale is a major challenge, with food-borne outbreaks from contaminated produce increasingly reported in many parts of the world. This article gives an overview of some strategies to combat contamination.


Microbial update: infant feeds

Microbial Update: Infant Feeds

Microbiological food safety of infant feeds is key due to the relatively undeveloped infant gut microflora and immune system. See PCR solutions for Cronobacter testing.

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Application NotePathogen testing and typing kits: Improve your poultry testing by going molecular
Application Note
DNA Amplicon Contamination in the PCR Laboratory
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Escherichia coli
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Staphylococci
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Eggs and Egg Products
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Fruit and Salad
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Herbs and Spices
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Listeria
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Packaging
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Red Meat Products
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Salmonella
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Yeasts and Moulds
ArticleInternational Food Hygiene Microbial Update: Infant Feeds
ArticleMicrobes and the Mind
ArticleStrategies to Combat Microbial Hazards Associated with Fresh Produce
ArticleThe Food Safety Modernization Act: Global Impacts for Microbiological Food Safety
BrochureMaking food safer according to ISO methods
BrochureSolutions for the detection of foodborne pathogens
BrochureFood Allergen Detection and Quantification
Case StudyA world-leading manufacturer of smoked salmon maximizes pathogen test throughput and efficiency using the Thermo Scientific SureTect Real-Time PCR System
Case StudyMaximizing Freshness and Extending Shelf Life in Microgreens with SureTect Real-Time PCR System
InfographicFood Microbiology Workflow
Scientific PosterAOAC-RI Performance Tested Method validaiton Of The Thermo Scientific SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 PCR Assay
Scientific PosterAOAC-RI Performance Tested Method validaiton Of The Thermo Scientific SureTect Listeria Species PCR Assay
Scientific PosterComparison Of Rapid Culture Based Methods For Detection Of Salmonella
Scientific PosterEvaluation Of A TaqMan Salmonella Triplex PCR Assay for Salmonella spp., S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium compared to the ISO 6579:2002 Method in raw poultry, raw pork and environmental samples
Scientific PosterEvaluation Of Real-Time PCR Salmonella Spp., S. Enteritidis And S. Typhimurium Assay Performance In Poultry Meat Samples
Scientific PosterAn Improved Medium For The Enumeration Of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci From Linen and Environmental Samples: Brilliance Staph 24 Agar
Scientific PosterAn Improved Medium For The Enumeration of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci From Foods: Brilliance Staph 24 Agar
Scientific PosterEvaluating Alternative Methods for the Detection of Listeria monocytogenes from Medical Nutrition Samples
Scientific PosterMicroVal - ISO 16140 Evaluation Of A Defined Medium For Enumeration Of Thermotolerant Campylobacter spp.
Scientific PosterEvaluation of the Thermo Scientific RapidFinder Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR Kit
Scientific PosterEvaluation of Molecular Salmonella spp., S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium Multiplex Assay’s Inclusivity and Exclusivity
Scientific PosterThermo Scientific SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 PCR Assay: NF Validation Using the Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast PCR Instrument
Scientific PosterThermo Scientific SureTect Listeria monocytogenes Assay: NF Validation Using The Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast PCR Instrument
Scientific PosterThermo Scientific SureTect Salmonella species PCR Assay: NF Validation Using the Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast PCR Instrument
Scientific PosterThermo Scientific SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 PCR Method: ISO 16140 Validation According To NF VALIDATION From AFNOR Certification
Scientific PosterValidation of the Thermo Scientific SureTect Real-Time PCR Method for Detection of Salmonella in Food and Environmental Samples
Scientific PosterValidation of the Thermo Scientific SureTect Real-Time PCR Method for Detection of Salmonella in Poultry meat
