Checkweigher Combination Units with Metal Detectors or X-ray Inspection

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Streamline product inspection with integrated combination systems

Our combination checkweighing, metal detection, and X-ray systems are designed to provide a wide range of weighing and contaminant detection capabilities in a smaller footprint. By combining leading metal detection or x-ray inspection technologies with flexible checkweighing solutions, space requirements are minimized, and data reporting and controls are integrated into a single user interface.  


Integrated product inspection systems reduce space requirements. Our combination systems integrate functions like program changes, alarms, and rejection statistics from both multiscan metal detection and product weighing into the checkweigher software. Flexible installation options and a wide range of belt widths and lengths are available to ideally fit your operation.

Combination systems

Thermo Scientific Metal Detector and Checkweigher Combination Units

Thermo Scientific X-ray Inspection and Checkweigher Combination Units

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.