End-to-end solution for SQUAD research

The flexibility of Simultaneous Quantitation and Discovery (SQUAD) workflows allow them to be performed across a range of Thermo Scientific LC and MS products. We have optimized reversed phase and HILIC chromatography methods to accelerate your SQUAD method development.

Separation solutions for SQUAD

Vanquish Horizon UHPLC System for experiments that require high-end UHPLC reproducibility and precision

The Thermo Scientific Vanquish Horizon UHPLC System, featuring a fully biocompatible flow path and ultra-low gradient delay volume, delivers exceptional separations with excellent retention time and peak area precision for all your SQUAD workflows. It seamlessly integrates with the industry-leading Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry portfolio and ESI sources.

Hypersil GOLD C18 Selectivity HPLC Columns for experiments that require highly reproducible separation of non-polar metabolites

The Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD Columns, known for their exceptional resolution, efficiency, and sensitivity, help ensure confidence in the accuracy and quality of your analytical data.

Accucore C30 HPLC Columns for experiments that require highly reproducible separation of Lipids

Achieve rapid, high-resolution separations of hydrophobic, long-chain compounds with Thermo Scientific Accucore C30 LC Columns. These columns provide improved separation of triglyceride compounds, which frequently co-elute due to the presence of numerous isomeric and isobaric compounds.

Accucore 150 Amide HILIC HPLC Columns for experiments that require highly reproducible separation of polar metabolites

For polar small molecule separations, Thermo Scientific Accucore 150 Amide HILIC LC Columns are designed for the separation of hydrophilic molecules in HILIC mode.

Mass spectrometers for SQUAD

The Orbitrap family of mass spectrometers provide reliable, proven technology to support SQUAD analysis with exceptional accuracy and precision.


Differentiating features of all Orbitrap instruments

  • Ultra-high-resolution accurate mass detection with resolutions up to 500K and 1ppm mass accuracy, helping to ensure confident compound identification.
  • Normalized stepped collision energy to enable reproducible fragmentation efficiency for all compounds without the need for optimization.
  • Fast polarity switching to enhance throughput while maintaining quantitative precision.
  • Excellent spectral quality and intra-spectrum dynamic range enabled by the Orbitrap mass analyzer.

Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer for experiments that require unprecedented depth

Analyze samples with a high dynamic range with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral MS, which delivers exceptional depth in metabolite coverage. Featuring industry-leading sensitivity of analysis, this platform supports both low amount (<pg) and high amount (>ug) samples without any compromise or saturation in analysis and provides full sample MS/MS coverage in every injection.

Orbitrap IQ-X Tribrid Mass Spectrometer for experiments that require ultimate characterization and versatility

Specifically engineered for small-molecule analysis, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap IQ-X Tribrid MS offers the ability to uncover complex chemical structures for compound identification and structure elucidation. Confidently gather more meaningful data with industry leading Orbitrap and ion-trap technology and intelligent automation, real-time decision-making, intuitive software, and remote, hands-free calibration that effectively addresses the challenges of small-molecule identification and characterization.

Orbitrap Exploris 240 Mass Spectrometer for experiments that require workhorse Orbitrap accuracy

The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 MS offers proven reliability and spectral quality to support accurate annotation and quantitation of metabolites and lipids. The platform offers fast polarity switching to increase your small molecule throughput and Thermo Scientific AcquireX intelligent acquisition for untargeted annotations.

Data analysis for SQUAD

Compound Discoverer Software for experiments that differential analysis and unknown identification

Thermo Scientific Compound Discoverer Software offers a fully integrated suite of advanced software tools for known parent and unknown data processing and interpretation. It streamlines compound identification, comparative analyses, and provides extensive filtering and data visualization capabilities in easy to use and powerful software workflows to drive rapid knowledge from your valuable data.

TraceFinder Software for experiments that targeted metabolite data analysis

SQUAD quantitative workflow requirements often vary based on the application and operating environment. Providing the flexibility to meet a wide range of application and workflow requirements while providing a simplified user interface is at the core of Thermo Scientific TraceFinder Software.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.