When it comes to X-ray solutions for analysis in the cement industry, we offer a small but powerful instrument package that meets your analytical needs: the Thermo Scientific ARL OPTIM'X Cement Analyzer. It presents a uniquely compact and reliable WDXRF platform configured with Thermo Scientific SmartGonio for analysis of raw meal, clinker and cement. A factory installed calibration for clinker and cement using NIST standards means the fastest turnkey solution available. Its quick start-up, ease of use and analytical flexibility provide unparalleled value for cement laboratories.

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Product features

  • 500W equivalent analytical performance from 200W X-ray power
  • 200W equivalent analytical performance from 50W X-ray power
  • High precision, outstanding repeatability and stability to comply with cement analysis requirements
  • Pre-calibrated turnkey solution for routine cement analysis
  • Lowest cost of ownership thanks to low operating cost, highest reliability and minimal auxiliary equipment
  • Optional Multichromators for faster analysis or better performance on selected elements
  • Innovative UCCO technology combined with SmartGonio to achieve highest sensitivity

Cement analysis requirements

The analytical requirements in cement QC laboratories demand elemental analysis for determination of CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, SO3, K2O, Na2O, Cl, etc. in raw meal, clinker and cement.

Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) is the technique of choice for these determinations because it is fast and requires only a simple and easy sample preparation, i.e grinding and pressing. The compact power of the ARL OPTIM’X spectrometer provides high precision for analysis of cement related materials.


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