Gibco fetal bovine serum products

Through our unwavering commitment to quality, we continue to provide scientists with the consistent reliability, service, value, and innovation that have made Gibco products a global market leader for over 50 years.

Gibco fetal bovine serum products

Choose the right sera for your specific cell culture needs—from basic research to specialty assays. Whether you need sera with the least viral risk, the lowest endotoxin levels, or sera qualified for specialty applications and assays, Gibco products offer superior value.

Value FBS

Sera for standard research applications

  • Up to 50 quality tests including 9CFR virus testing, endotoxin, performance
  • Triple 0.1 micron filtration*

Premium FBS

Sera with the least risk of BSE and lower viral risk

  • Meets USP/EP guidelines
  • Up to 90 quality tests including EMA virus testing; USP/EP mycoplasma, endotoxin, performance; biochemical/hormonal profiling; Oritain fingerprinting
  • Triple 0.1 micron filtration

Specialty FBS

Sera qualified for specialty research

  • Specific assays, including stem cell research, immunoassays, antibodies, and others


*Brazilian FBS manufactured in Brazil is double 0.1 micron filtered, not triple (Cat. Nos. 12657011 and 12657029).

Gibco FBS cross-reference tool

The Gibco FBS cross reference tool can be used to find a direct replacement for other serum suppliers.

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other animal serum

Other animal sera

Although FBS is the most commonly used serum product, many other products are sold as a lower-cost alternative. These products include bovine serum, horse serum, newborn calf serum, goat serum, rabbit serum, porcine serum and chicken serum.

View all other animal sera

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Serum and blood proteins are not for direct administration into humans or animals.