GST-tagged Fusion Protein Purification

Reduced glutathione (GSH), when immobilized as a ligand to agarose or other chromatography supports, enables high-yield and high-quality purification of recombinant proteins expressed as fusions with glutathione S-transferase (GST). GST-fusion proteins are purified with high yield because of the 12-atom GSH linker, which minimizes steric hindrance. We offer glutathione magnetic beads and agarose resins in multiple formats to accommodate a variety of needs, from high- throughput screening, batch, pilot, and process purification. Superflow agarose resins have undergone extensive chemical characterization.

  • More formats—magnetic beads, magnetic agarose, loose resin, spin columns and kits, FPLC cartridges, and 96-well filter plates enable fusion protein purification from microgram to kilogram scales.
  • High performance—resins are designed to maximize protein yield and reduce background.
  • Economical—pricing is similar to or better than other suppliers.

Choose a product for GST-tagged fusion protein purification

Product typePierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose BeadsPierce Glutathione Agarose ResinPierce Glutathione Superflow Resin
Bead or resin size10–40 μm45–165 μm60–160 μm
Static binding capacity≥12 mg/mL~40 mg/mL~30 mg/mL
Dynamic binding capacity*N/A~10.5 mg/mL~10 mg/mL
Maximum linear flow rate*N/A800 cm/hr1,200 cm/hr
SupportMagnetite-embedded 6% beaded agarose6% beaded agaroseHighly crosslinked 6% beaded agarose
No. of reuses0525
Formats availableloose beadsloose beads, pre-packed spin columns and kits, chromatography cartridgesloose beads
Recommended application scalehigh-throughput batchbatch, pilotbatch, pilot, process
Order product(s)7860116100 (loose resin)
16109 (1 mL cartridge)
16110 (5 mL cartridge)
16111 (spin plate)

Additional Pierce Glutathione Agarose products

ResinFormatResin per columnColumn sizeCollection tube sizeCat. No.
GlutathioneSpin Column0.2 mL0.8 mLMicrocentrifuge16103
GlutathioneSpin Column1 mL2 mL15 mL conical16104
GlutathioneSpin Column3 mL10 mL50 mL conical16105
GlutathioneSpin Column Kit0.2 mL0.8 mLMicrocentrifuge16106
GlutathioneSpin Column Kit1 mL2 mL15 mL conical16107
GlutathioneSpin Column Kit3 mL10 mL50 mL conical16108

Featured product data

Comparison of protein yield and purity between Pierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose and products from other suppliers.
Comparison of protein yield and purity between Pierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose and products from other suppliers. Samples (0.25 mL) of three proteins (GST-green Renilla luciferase, GST-RalGDS, and GST-Protein A/G) were diluted with 0.25 mL binding buffer and purified manually with 25 µL settled beads. Respective suppliers’ protocols were followed for their buffer compositions and volumes. Repeating with fresh lysate, yields were lower than previous purifications (freezer malfunctioned, lysates may have thawed). Pierce Magnetic Agarose had the highest yield and similar purity compared to beads from the other suppliers.

Large-scale FPLC purification of GST produces greater than 98% purity of target protein.

Large-scale FPLC purification of GST produces >98% purity of target protein. Biomass (170 g) containing overexpressed GST was lysed with 1.7 L of lysis buffer. Then, 0.75 L of lysate was loaded onto equilibrated 200 mL columns (50 mm x 100 mm) of Thermo Scientific Pierce Glutathione Superflow Agarose (left) or Glutathione Sepharose™ 4 Fast Flow (GE Healthcare, Cat. 17-5132-03, right) at a linear flow rate of 30 cm/hour. Columns were washed with binding buffer until the UV280 reached baseline; then bound protein was eluted with elution buffer, and fractions containing purified GST were pooled. Aliquots of load, flow-through, wash, and eluate fractions were separated by SDS-PAGE, stained with Thermo Scientific Imperial Protein Stain (Cat. No. 24615) and evaluated using Thermo Scientific myImageAnalysis Software (Cat. No. 62237) to determine purity. Total yield, recovery, and purity were similar for both resins.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.