CellModel Services — Stem Cell Characterization

A challenging and often tedious aspect of stem cell research is the need to characterize cells throughout your experiments.  Confirming cell identity, pluripotency, gene expression, and other characteristics of stem cells requires a broad set of tools and the expertise to know what to look for in each test.

With access to a complete portfolio of characterization tools and cutting-edge instruments, the CellModel Services team can perform numerous stem cell characterization experiments using cell lines that you provide or ones that we customize for you.

Stem cell characterization services

Characterization services can be provided as a stand-alone service or added to any CellModel Services reprogramming, differentiation, or assay development project.

Genomic analysis

A range of characterization services on genomic analysis are available to confirm normal karyotype, monitor genomic variation, and confirm cell identity.

Pluripotency services

The following are characterization services we offer for the assessment of pluripotency of your stem cell culture.

Sterility testing

Confirming the sterility of your stem cell culture is a critical step for your research.

Our Mycoplasma Detection Service is used to detect Mycoplasma contamination. The service leverages the Applied Biosystems MycoSEQ Mycoplasma qPCR Detection Kit to detect over 90 Mycoplasma species, offering the sensitivity to detect less than 10 copies per reaction and results in less than 3 weeks. Add the Mycoplasma service on to your current characterization service request.
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Genomic analysis

A range of characterization services on genomic analysis are available to confirm normal karyotype, monitor genomic variation, and confirm cell identity.

Pluripotency services

The following are characterization services we offer for the assessment of pluripotency of your stem cell culture.

Sterility testing

Confirming the sterility of your stem cell culture is a critical step for your research.

Our Mycoplasma Detection Service is used to detect Mycoplasma contamination. The service leverages the Applied Biosystems MycoSEQ Mycoplasma qPCR Detection Kit to detect over 90 Mycoplasma species, offering the sensitivity to detect less than 10 copies per reaction and results in less than 3 weeks. Add the Mycoplasma service on to your current characterization service request.
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Ordering information

Additional characterization services also available. Contact our Custom Biology Services Team

Additional services availableTechnology
Immunocytochemistry for pluripotencyEVOS M7000 Imaging System
Live-cell staining for pluripotencyFlow cytometry
Germ layer characterization / embryoid body formation 

TaqMan hPSC Scorecard Panel

EVOS M7000 Imaging System

Contact us today to discuss your stem cell characterization requirements with a technical specialist

Featured video
Thermo Fisher Cell Biology Services Characterization

A short video describing our service capabilities around characterization for stem cell customers.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.