Nanoscale Materials Characterization

Nanoscale characterization

Understanding the nanoscale characteristics of materials is the first step in creating the next generation of lighter, stronger, and more energy efficient solutions. But because these materials behave differently at the nanoscale from their bulk equivalents, they must be investigated with techniques specific to nanoanalysis.


For materials scientists working in this field, the nanoscale workflow pairs Thermo Scientific DualBeam FIB-SEMs and transmission electron microscopes to help accelerate nanoscience research. From sample preparation to comprehensive nanoscale analysis, the workflow simplifies investigation of materials to help you:

  • Rapidly prepare samples with automated processes that ensure consistency and efficiency
  • Produce pristine sample surfaces in just 45 minutes to get the best start for high-quality nanoscale imaging
  • Seamlessly access expert support, service, and resources from Thermo Fisher Scientific

The nanoscale workflow is already powering workflows around the world. Here’s how one of many researchers are using Thermo Scientific FIB-SEMs and TEMs to advance their materials characterization. 

“We chose to go with a Thermo Scientific DualBeam FIB-SEM and TEM as it’s a sensational package and we considered these instruments to be the best systems for our needs.”
— Dr. Geoff West, University of Warwick Advanced Manufacturing & Materials Centre



Inert Gas Sample Transfer Workflow

Nanoparticle analysis

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.