Take 30% off your first online order of lab chemicals. At checkout, enter promo code P4793009 (US), P4793003 (Canada) or RMIG30 (Europe) when placing your order. Explore our vast portfolio of lab chemicals.

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If you do not currently have an account on thermofisher.com, you will need to create an account first by following these steps:

  • Sign up on thermofisher.com to register.
  • Once registered, you will be prompted to link to your institution's account or create an institutional account if one does not exist.
  • Lastly, set up the appropriate legal entity, Life Technologies, as a vendor in your systems. Visit our vendor set up page for the new entity and tax ID numbers.

We’re here to help
Contact our Customer Care team by email or phone at (800) 955-6288. Or, visit our account FAQs. We look forward to serving you and your laboratory needs.

*Terms and conditions apply. Discount valid only on orders placed on thermofisher.com. Promo codes can be used one time only. Promotion applies to eligible Thermo Fisher Scientific cart items only and excludes products containing pure elements and alloys, products containing precious metals (Gold, Silver and Platinum Group Metals), products with regulatory compliance restrictions, certain products classified as hazardous or requiring special shipment, and Acetonitrile. Discount will apply to orders received on thermofisher.com no later than September 30, 2023. Discount cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts or offers. Offer void where prohibited, licensed, or restricted by federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulation or agency/institutional policy. We reserve the right to terminate this promotion at any time.
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