Trust your food is all it should be

As quality food and beverage companies know, food integrity is vital. Ensuring food integrity not only protects consumer interests and public health, it protects your product’s reputation. It can even make or break your brand.

Labeling regulations exist to verify the authenticity and origins of these products as they are exported around the globe. 

Ensuring food integrity means guarding against adulteration (the deliberate addition of false ingredients) and food fraud (false claims about what the product is), and ensuring its authenticity (that the product is from the claimed geographical region).

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Food Integrity

Solutions for ensuring food integrity

Food and beverage companies trust Thermo Scientific instruments to keep their products and brands safe, consistent, contaminant free, authentic, and unadulterated. That’s because we offer the widest instrumentation portfolio of superb solutions on the planet - from ion chromatography (IC), liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gas chromatography (GC), to trace elemental analysis, mass spectrometry (MS), isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), full scan high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) MS and PCR, discrete analyzers, and data management. These solutions deliver accurate, reliable answers, no matter where you are in the food and beverage analysis process.

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What’s the buzz in food fraud testing: follow a bee’s journey from farm to laboratory.

Resources for food integrity analysis

Authenticity and Adulteration of Food and Beverages

A Notebook of Peer Reviewed Articles

Beverage testing - Your brand is everything

Food Integrity Application Compendium