Thermo Scientific™

Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10) Agglutinating Sera

Número do catálogo: R30163701
Thermo Scientific™

Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10) Agglutinating Sera

Número do catálogo: R30163701

Presumptively identify Shigella cultures for epidemiological and diagnostic purposes using Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10) Agglutinating Sera. These sera are suitable for use in slide agglutination tests. Serological tests are based on the fact that antibodies produced in the serum in response to exposure to bacterial antigens will visibly agglutinate with bacteria carrying homologous antigens. Antisera provide serological identification only; full identification of an organism must be made in conjunction with biochemical testing.

Número do catálogo
Tamanho da unidade
2 mL
Especificações completas
DescriptionShigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10)
CE MarkerYes
Detectable AnalytesShigella
Packaging Type2 mL/Vial
Quantity2 mL
Unit SizeEach
Mostrando 1 de 1
Número do catálogoEspecificaçõesTamanho da unidadeQuantityPreço (BRL)
R30163701Especificações completas
Each2 mLEntre em contato ›
DescriptionShigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10)
CE MarkerYes
Detectable AnalytesShigella
Packaging Type2 mL/Vial
Quantity2 mL
Unit SizeEach
Mostrando 1 de 1

Shigella dysenteriae can be differentiated on the basis of their reactions with specific antisera. Remel Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10) Agglutinating Sera cover S. dysenteriae types 1 to 10. As Shigella can be confused with some non-motile serotypes of E. coli (Alkalescens‑Dispar group) an additional serum (R30164301) is available for differentiation.

  • Ready to use: Supplied as Ready to use agglutinating serum.
  • Easy to interpret: Visible agglutination with S. dysenteriae types 1 to 10. Control solution shows no visible agglutination.

Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10) Agglutinating Sera are produced in rabbits and preserved with 0.5% phenol. Each dropper bottle contains 2 mL liquid and is supplied ready to use.

Not all products are available for sale in all territories. Please inquire.

Remel™ and Oxoid™ products are now part of the Thermo Scientific brand.

Conteúdo e armazenamento

2°C to 8°C


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