Thermo Scientific™

Remel™ Streptex™ Extraction Enzyme

Número do catálogo: R30951001
Thermo Scientific™

Remel™ Streptex™ Extraction Enzyme

Número do catálogo: R30951001
Streptex™ supplementary reagents are intended for use in the streptococcal grouping system provided by the Streptex kit, which contains all components necessary for the system. These reagents are provided as replacement items. For complete information and correct use of this product, the user is referred to the Instructions for Use which accompanies the Streptex kits (ZL50/R30950501 and ZL61/R30164701).
Número do catálogo
Tamanho da unidade
11 mL/Vial, 25 Tests/Kit
Especificações completas
DescriptionStreptex and Extraction Enzyme
CE MarkerYes
TypeStreptococcus Test Kit
Packaging Type25 Tests/Kit
Quantity11 mL/Vial, 25 Tests/Kit
Unit SizeEach
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Número do catálogoEspecificaçõesTamanho da unidadeQuantityPreço (BRL)
R30951001Especificações completas
Each11 mL/Vial, 25 Tests/KitEntre em contato ›
DescriptionStreptex and Extraction Enzyme
CE MarkerYes
TypeStreptococcus Test Kit
Packaging Type25 Tests/Kit
Quantity11 mL/Vial, 25 Tests/Kit
Unit SizeEach
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