Thermo Scientific™

Talos F200E TEM

Référence: TALOS-F200E-TEM
Thermo Scientific™

Talos F200E TEM

Référence: TALOS-F200E-TEM
The Thermo Scientific Talos F200E (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscope provides high-resolution STEM and TEM imaging with minimal distortion, combined with high-throughput energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) functionality, tailored for a wide range of semiconductor defect analysis and research applications.
Taille unitaire
Spécifications complètes
Description200 kV TEM and STEM microscope
TypeSTEM Microscope
Résolution≤0.16 nm
Unit SizeEach
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TALOS-F200E-TEMSpécifications complètes
EachDemander un devis
Description200 kV TEM and STEM microscope
TypeSTEM Microscope
Résolution≤0.16 nm
Unit SizeEach
Affichage de 1 sur 1
  • High-throughput, multi-purpose TEM with low-distortion imaging for a wide range of applications
  • 200 kV TEM and STEM for repeatable, high-volume analysis of a broad range of semiconductor and microelectronic devices.


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