
Abl1, Actb, Arbp, B2m, Casc3, Cdkn1a, Cdkn1b, Eif2b1, Elf1, Gadd45a, Hmbs, MT-ATP6, Mrpl19, PES1_predicted,LOC289740, Pgk1, Pop4, Ppia, Ppib, Psmc4, Pum1, Rpl30, Rpl37a_predicted, Rplp2, Rps17, Tbp, Tfrc, Ubc, Ywhaz


18S, Gapdh, Gusb, Hprt1

Pathway Information

The first aspect of any experiment looking at relative quantitation of gene expression should be the selection of endogenous control gene(s), to normalize for variations in sample input. The TaqMan® Array Rat Endogenous Control 96-well Plate contains 32 g ...
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Supported Applied Biosystems Instruments

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System , StepOnePlus™ System , ViiA™ 7 System , 7900HT Real-Time PCR System , QuantStudio™ 12K Flex System , QuantStudio™ 7 Flex System , QuantStudio™ 6 Flex System , QuantStudio™ 5 System , QuantStudio™ 3 System

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