What makes geochemical samples special? How do you get a good random sample from a pit or quarry? Are empirical corrections more accurate than fundamental parameters? What sample prep technique is best for low concentrations? I recently answered these questions in a 40-minute webinar on the new advancements in the geological realm of analysis – including mapping and small spot analysis. The webinar was recorded and is now available so you can see how wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) can be used with standard-less analysis and fully calibrated methods along with small spot and mapping in order to create a complete profile of the mineralogy for geochemical and mining samples. Learn how to do elemental mapping, and see examples of calibrated results using fusion for majors/minor elements and pressed pellets for trace elements, integrated standard-less analysis for complete unknown samples, and small spot/elemental mapping analysis. Watch the Advanced Applications in Geochemistry and Mining Analysis Video and let me know in the comment field if you have any questions regarding analysis of heterogeneous geochemistry samples using WDXRF.
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