Thermo Scientific Pierce BM(PEG)3 is a bismaleimide-activated PEG compound for crosslinking between sulfhydryl (—SH) groups in proteins and other thiolRead more
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Catalog number 22337
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BM(PEG)3 (1,11-bismaleimido-triethyleneglycol)
Catalog number22337
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Thermo Scientific Pierce BM(PEG)3 is a bismaleimide-activated PEG compound for crosslinking between sulfhydryl (—SH) groups in proteins and other thiol molecules. The maleimide groups at either end of the PEG3 spacer react specifically and efficiently with reduced sulfhydryls at pH 6.5-7.5 to form stable thioether bonds.
Features of BM(PEG)3:
• Reactive groups:maleimide (both ends) • Reactive towards: sulfhydryl groups • Long, pegylated, sulfhydryl-to-sulfhydryl crosslinkers, composed of maleimide groups and 3-unit polyethylene glycol spacer arm • PEG spacers provide unique advantages, including enhanced solubility, increased stability, reduced tendency toward aggregation and reduced immunogenicity • Pure compounds with defined structure and molecular weight, ensuring reproducible protein-modification effects • Ideal for small molecule or peptide conjugations