Product References
Integrative analysis of neuroblastoma by single-cell RNA sequencing identifies the NECTIN2-TIGIT axis as a target for immunotherapy.
Cancer cell
Wienke J,Visser LL,Kholosy WM,Keller KM,Barisa M,Poon E,Munnings-Tomes S,Himsworth C,Calton E,Rodriguez A,Bernardi R,van den Ham F,van Hooff SR,Matser YAH,Tas ML,Langenberg KPS,Lijnzaad P,Borst AL,Zappa E,Bergsma FJ,Strijker JGM,Verhoeven BM,Mei S,Kramdi A,Restuadi R,Sanchez-Bernabeu A,Cornel AM,Holstege FCP,Gray JC,Tytgat GAM,Scheijde-Vermeulen MA,Wijnen MHWA,Dierselhuis MP,Straathof K,Behjati S,Wu W,Heck AJR,Koster J,Nierkens S,Janoueix-Lerosey I,de Krijger RR,Baryawno N,Chesler L,Anderson J,Caron HN,Margaritis T,van Noesel MM,Molenaar JJ
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to dissect the immunoregulatory interactions in neuroblastoma by single-cell RNA-sequencing of 24 tumors (10 pre- and 14 post-chemotherapy, including 5 pairs) to identify strategies for optimizing immunotherapy efficacy.
Mon Feb 12 00:00:00 EST 2024
Host-derived growth factors drive ERK phosphorylation and MCL1 expression to promote osteosarcoma cell survival during metastatic lung colonization.
Cellular oncology (Dordrecht, Netherlands)
McAloney CA,Makkawi R,Budhathoki Y,Cannon MV,Franz EM,Gross AC,Cam M,Vetter TA,Duhen R,Davies AE,Roberts RD
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to develop therapeutic strategies that prevent and treat metastasis by identifying mechanisms that facilitate survival of disseminated tumour cells.
Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 EST 2024
Induced pluripotent stem cell model revealed impaired neurovascular interaction in genetic small vessel disease Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy.
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
Zhang W,Zhao X,Qi X,Kimber SJ,Hooper NM,Wang T
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to establish induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) models from Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy patients and differentiated the iPSCs into the major neurovascular unit cell types including brain microvascular endothelial-like cells (BMECs), vascular mural cells (MCs), astrocytes and cortical projection neurons.
Wed Feb 14 00:00:00 EST 2024
Protocol to generate cardiac pericytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
STAR protocols
Shen M,Zhao SR,Khokhar Y,Li L,Zhou Y,Liu C,Wu JC
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to present a protocol to generate them from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs).
Thu Apr 27 00:00:00 EDT 2023
LINE1-Mediated Reverse Transcription and Genomic Integration of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Detected in Virus-Infected but Not in Viral mRNA-Transfected Cells.
Zhang L,Bisht P,Flamier A,Barrasa MI,Friesen M,Richards A,Hughes SH,Jaenisch R
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to conclude that retrotransposition in virus-infected cells, in contrast to transfected cells, may be facilitated because virus infection, in contrast to viral RNA transfection, results in significantly higher viral RNA levels and stimulates LINE1 expression by causing cellular stress.
Sat Feb 25 00:00:00 EST 2023
FUT8-Mediated Core Fucosylation Promotes the Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
Aging and disease
Zhang W,Lin W,Zeng X,Zhang M,Chen Q,Tang Y,Sun J,Liang B,Zha L,Yu Z
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to find that 2-fluorofucose (2FF), a drug used to inhibit core fucosylation, improved hemodynamics and pulmonary vascular remodeling in monocrotaline (MCT)-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) rats.
Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2023
PARM1 Drives Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension via AKT/FOXO3A Axis.
International journal of molecular sciences
He Z,Chang T,Chen Y,Wang H,Dai L,Zeng H
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to explore novel therapeutic targets in Pulmonary arterial hypertension through bioinformatics and experiments.
Tue Mar 28 00:00:00 EDT 2023
Metformin inhibits pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation by upregulating p21 via NONRATT015587.2.
International journal of molecular medicine
Sun Z,Liu Y,Hu R,Wang T,Li Y,Liu N
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to investigate downstream targets of NONRATT015587.2 and thus further define its role in pulmonary artery hypertension.
Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 EDT 2022
Mitofusin-2 Restrains Hepatic Stellate Cells' Proliferation via PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway and Inhibits Liver Fibrosis in Rats.
Journal of healthcare engineering
Chen Z,Lin Z,Yu J,Zhong H,Zhuo X,Jia C,Wan Y
Fri May 06 00:00:00 EDT 2022
Inhibition of renal fibrosis with a human CXCL9-derived glycosaminoglycan-binding peptide.
Clinical & translational immunology
Poosti F,Soebadi MA,Crijns H,De Zutter A,Metzemaekers M,Berghmans N,Vanheule V,Albersen M,Opdenakker G,Van Damme J,Sprangers B,Proost P,Struyf S
Sun May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2022
Population-based high-throughput toxicity screen of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and neurons.
Cell reports
Huang CY,Nicholson MW,Wang JY,Ting CY,Tsai MH,Cheng YC,Liu CL,Chan DZH,Lee YC,Hsu CC,Hsu YH,Yang CF,Chang CMC,Ruan SC,Lin PJ,Lin JH,Chen LL,Hsieh ML,Cheng YY,Hsu WT,Lin YL,Chen CH,Hsu YH,Wu YT,Hacker TA,Wu JC,Kamp TJ,Hsieh PCH
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to study a a population-based human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) drug screening platform for toxicity assessment.
Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 EDT 2022
Obesity-induced senescent macrophages activate a fibrotic transcriptional program in adipocyte progenitors.
Life science alliance
Rabhi N,Desevin K,Belkina AC,Tilston-Lunel A,Varelas X,Layne MD,Farmer SR
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to reveal that obesity promotes macrophage senescence and provides a conceptual framework for the discovery of rational therapeutic targets for metabolic and inflammatory disease associated with obesity.
Sun May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2022
H3.3-K27M drives neural stem cell-specific gliomagenesis in a human iPSC-derived model.
Cancer cell
Haag D,Mack N,Benites Goncalves da Silva P,Statz B,Clark J,Tanabe K,Sharma T,Jäger N,Jones DTW,Kawauchi D,Wernig M,Pfister SM
Mon Mar 08 00:00:00 EST 2021
3D iPSC modeling of the retinal pigment epithelium-choriocapillaris complex identifies factors involved in the pathology of macular degeneration.
Cell stem cell
Manian KV,Galloway CA,Dalvi S,Emanuel AA,Mereness JA,Black W,Winschel L,Soto C,Li Y,Song Y,DeMaria W,Kumar A,Slukvin I,Schwartz MP,Murphy WL,Anand-Apte B,Chung M,Benoit DSW,Singh R
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to represent that the human 3D model described here provides a platform for investigating RPE-CC biology, AMD/MD pathophysiology, and testing new therapeutic interventions.
Thu May 06 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Activated mesangial cells induce glomerular endothelial cells proliferation in rat anti-Thy-1 nephritis through VEGFA/VEGFR2 and Angpt2/Tie2 pathway.
Cell proliferation
Zhao Y,Fu B,Chen P,Li Q,Ouyang Q,Zhang C,Cai G,Wu L,Chen X
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Urine stem cells are equipped to provide B cell survival signals.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Zidan AA,Perkins GB,Al-Hawwas M,Elhossiny A,Yang J,Bobrovskaya L,Mourad GM,Zhou XF,Hurtado PR
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Cell sheet technology: Influence of culture conditions on in vitro-cultivated corneal stromal tissue for regenerative therapies of the ocular surface.
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials
Hasenzahl M,Müsken M,Mertsch S,Schrader S,Reichl S
Fri Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2021
One-step Reprogramming of Human Fibroblasts into Oligodendrocyte-like Cells by SOX10, OLIG2, and NKX6.2.
Stem cell reports
Chanoumidou K,Hernández-Rodríguez B,Windener F,Thomas C,Stehling M,Mozafari S,Albrecht S,Ottoboni L,Antel J,Kim KP,Velychko S,Cui QL,Xu YKT,Martino G,Winkler J,Schöler HR,Baron-Van Evercooren A,Boespflug-Tanguy O,Vaquerizas JM,Ehrlich M,Kuhlmann T
Tue Apr 13 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Cell-assembled extracellular matrix (CAM) sheet production: Translation from using human to large animal cells.
Journal of tissue engineering
Torres Y,Gluais M,Da Silva N,Rey S,Grémare A,Magnan L,Kawecki F,L'Heureux N
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to compare the tissue development and composition of cell-assembled extracellular matrix sheets between different sources of skin fibroblasts, including ovine and human fibroblasts, for use in production of tissue-engineered vascular grafts.
Thu May 02 00:00:00 EDT 2024
Cell-assembled extracellular matrix (CAM) sheet production: Translation from using human to large animal cells.
Journal of tissue engineering
Torres Y,Gluais M,Da Silva N,Rey S,Grémare A,Magnan L,Kawecki F,L'Heureux N
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to compare the tissue development and composition of cell-assembled extracellular matrix sheets between different sources of skin fibroblasts, including ovine and human fibroblasts, for use in production of tissue-engineered vascular grafts.
Thu May 02 00:00:00 EDT 2024
ERBB3 overexpression due to miR-205 inactivation confers sensitivity to FGF, metabolic activation, and liability to ERBB3 targeting in glioblastoma.
Cell reports
De Bacco F,Orzan F,Erriquez J,Casanova E,Barault L,Albano R,D'Ambrosio A,Bigatto V,Reato G,Patanè M,Pollo B,Kuesters G,Dell'Aglio C,Casorzo L,Pellegatta S,Finocchiaro G,Comoglio PM,Boccaccio C
Tue Jul 27 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Engineering large, anatomically shaped osteochondral constructs with robust interfacial shear properties.
NPJ Regenerative medicine
Brown WE,Huang BJ,Hu JC,Athanasiou KA
Fri Aug 06 00:00:00 EDT 2021
DutaFabs are engineered therapeutic Fab fragments that can bind two targets simultaneously.
Nature communications
Beckmann R,Jensen K,Fenn S,Speck J,Krause K,Meier A,Röth M,Fauser S,Kimbung R,Logan DT,Steegmaier M,Kettenberger H
100-14B was used in Crystallization to investigate CDR loops in dual targeting Fab molecules.
Fri Jan 29 00:00:00 EST 2021
DutaFabs are engineered therapeutic Fab fragments that can bind two targets simultaneously.
Nature communications
Beckmann R,Jensen K,Fenn S,Speck J,Krause K,Meier A,Röth M,Fauser S,Kimbung R,Logan DT,Steegmaier M,Kettenberger H
100-14B was used in Crystallization to investigate CDR loops in dual targeting Fab molecules.
Fri Jan 29 00:00:00 EST 2021
The calcium binding protein S100β marks hedgehog-responsive resident vascular stem cells within vascular lesions.
NPJ Regenerative medicine
Di Luca M,Fitzpatrick E,Burtenshaw D,Liu W,Helt JC,Hakimjavadi R,Corcoran E,Gusti Y,Sheridan D,Harman S,Lally C,Redmond EM,Cahill PA
Mon Mar 01 00:00:00 EST 2021
Autologous transplantation of thecal stem cells restores ovarian function in nonhuman primates.
Cell discovery
Chen H,Xia K,Huang W,Li H,Wang C,Ma Y,Chen J,Luo P,Zheng S,Wang J,Wang Y,Dong L,Tan Z,Lai X,Mao FF,Li W,Liang X,Wang T,Xiang AP,Ke Q
Tue Aug 31 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Cytokine-induced apoptosis inhibitor 1 (CIAPIN1) accelerates vascular remodelling via p53 and JAK2-STAT3 regulation in vascular smooth muscle cells.
British journal of pharmacology
Han JH,Heo KS,Myung CS
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to provide new insights into the mechanism by which CIAPIN1 regulates vascular remodelling and suggest a novel therapeutic target for treating vascular proliferative diseases.
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Deep learning-based predictive identification of neural stem cell differentiation.
Nature communications
Zhu Y,Huang R,Wu Z,Song S,Cheng L,Zhu R
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to showcase effectiveness of deep learning-based platform in precisely, accurately and robustly detecting NSC differentiation.
Mon May 10 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Deep learning-based predictive identification of neural stem cell differentiation.
Nature communications
Zhu Y,Huang R,Wu Z,Song S,Cheng L,Zhu R
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to showcase effectiveness of deep learning-based platform in precisely, accurately and robustly detecting NSC differentiation.
Mon May 10 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Pathological Role of Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1 in Balloon Angioplasty-Induced Neointima Formation.
International journal of molecular sciences
Pan CH,Chien YC,Sung MS,Huang HY,Sheu MJ,Wu CH
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to investigate the possible role and regulation of PGK1 in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and balloon-injured arteries under hypoxia.
Tue Aug 17 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Neuroblastoma and DIPG Organoid Coculture System for Personalized Assessment of Novel Anticancer Immunotherapies.
Journal of personalized medicine
M Kholosy W,Derieppe M,van den Ham F,Ober K,Su Y,Custers L,Schild L,M J van Zogchel L,M Wellens L,R Ariese H,Szanto CL,Wienke J,Dierselhuis MP,van Vuurden D,Dolman EM,Molenaar JJ
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to provide a procedure for the establishment of an ex vivo test coculture system of paediatric tumour organoids and immune cells that enables the assessment of different immunotherpay approaches in paediatric tumour organoids.
Mon Aug 30 00:00:00 EDT 2021
Celastrol ameliorates vascular neointimal hyperplasia through Wnt5a-involved autophagy.
International journal of biological sciences
Shi YN,Liu LP,Deng CF,Zhao TJ,Shi Z,Yan JY,Gong YZ,Liao DF,Qin L
100-14B was used in Sample Preparation (Western Blotting) to study celastrol for the attenuation of restenosis through enhancing autophagy of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).
Wed Mar 16 00:00:00 EDT 2022
USP10 exacerbates neointima formation by stabilizing Skp2 protein in vascular smooth muscle cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Xia X,Liu X,Chai R,Xu Q,Luo Z,Gu J,Jin Y,Hu T,Yu C,Du B,Huang H,Ou W,Liu S,Liu N
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2021
A comparative analysis of human adult testicular cells expressing stem Leydig cell markers in the interstitium, vasculature, and peritubular layer.
Eliveld J,van Daalen SKM,de Winter-Korver CM,van der Veen F,Repping S,Teerds K,van Pelt AMM
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 EDT 2020
Cx43 and AKAP95 regulate G1/S conversion by competitively binding to cyclin E1/E2 in lung cancer cells.
Thoracic cancer
Chen R,Chen Y,Yuan Y,Zou X,Sun Q,Lin H,Chen X,Liu M,Deng Z,Yao Y,Guo D,Zhang Y
Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2020
A kinase-deficient NTRK2 splice variant predominates in glioma and amplifies several oncogenic signaling pathways.
Nature communications
Pattwell SS,Arora S,Cimino PJ,Ozawa T,Szulzewsky F,Hoellerbauer P,Bonifert T,Hoffstrom BG,Boiani NE,Bolouri H,Correnti CE,Oldrini B,Silber JR,Squatrito M,Paddison PJ,Holland EC
Fri Jun 12 00:00:00 EDT 2020
Anterior cruciate ligament remnant cells have different potentials for cell differentiation based on their location.
Scientific reports
Lee JK,Jo S,Lee YL,Park H,Song JS,Sung IH,Kim TH
Thu Feb 20 00:00:00 EST 2020
Three-dimensional culture of dental pulp pluripotent-like stem cells (DPPSCs) enhances Nanog expression and provides a serum-free condition for exosome isolation.
FASEB bioAdvances
Faruqu FN,Zhou S,Sami N,Gheidari F,Lu H,Al-Jamal KT
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 EDT 2020
iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Affect Vascular Function in a Tissue-Engineered Blood Vessel Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome.
Stem cell reports
Atchison L,Abutaleb NO,Snyder-Mounts E,Gete Y,Ladha A,Ribar T,Cao K,Truskey GA
Tue Feb 11 00:00:00 EST 2020
Quantitative proteomics reveal lineage-specific protein profiles in iPSC-derived Marfan syndrome smooth muscle cells.
Scientific reports
Iosef C,Pedroza AJ,Cui JZ,Dalal AR,Arakawa M,Tashima Y,Koyano TK,Burdon G,Churovich SMP,Orrick JO,Pariani M,Fischbein MP
Mon Nov 23 00:00:00 EST 2020
Osteosarcoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Induce Lung Fibroblast Reprogramming.
International journal of molecular sciences
Mazumdar A,Urdinez J,Boro A,Migliavacca J,Arlt MJE,Muff R,Fuchs B,Snedeker JG,Gvozdenovic A
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to deliver foundational in vitro evidence that osteosarcoma cell-derived extracellular vesicles drive myofibroblast/cancer-associated fibroblast differentiation.
Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 EDT 2020
Optical control of MAP kinase kinase 6 (MKK6) reveals that it has divergent roles in pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative signaling.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Rahman SMT,Zhou W,Deiters A,Haugh JM
Fri Jun 19 00:00:00 EDT 2020
JTZ-951, an HIF prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor, suppresses renal interstitial fibroblast transformation and expression of fibrosis-related factors.
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology
Wakashima T,Tanaka T,Fukui K,Komoda Y,Shinozaki Y,Kobayashi H,Matsuo A,Nangaku M
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2020
Resolving the fibrotic niche of human liver cirrhosis at single-cell level.
Ramachandran P,Dobie R,Wilson-Kanamori JR,Dora EF,Henderson BEP,Luu NT,Portman JR,Matchett KP,Brice M,Marwick JA,Taylor RS,Efremova M,Vento-Tormo R,Carragher NO,Kendall TJ,Fallowfield JA,Harrison EM,Mole DJ,Wigmore SJ,Newsome PN,Weston CJ,Iredale JP,Tacke F,Pollard JW,Ponting CP,Marioni JC,Teichmann SA,Henderson NC
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to investigate molecular definitions for non-parenchymal cell types in the healthy and cirrhotic human liver through transcriptomics.
Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2019
IL-6/JAK1 pathway drives PD-L1 Y112 phosphorylation to promote cancer immune evasion.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Chan LC,Li CW,Xia W,Hsu JM,Lee HH,Cha JH,Wang HL,Yang WH,Yen EY,Chang WC,Zha Z,Lim SO,Lai YJ,Liu C,Liu J,Dong Q,Yang Y,Sun L,Wei Y,Nie L,Hsu JL,Li H,Ye Q,Hassan MM,Amin HM,Kaseb AO,Lin X,Wang SC,Hung MC
Mon Jul 15 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Mechanism for oral tumor cell lysyl oxidase like-2 in cancer development: synergy with PDGF-AB.
Mahjour F,Dambal V,Shrestha N,Singh V,Noonan V,Kantarci A,Trackman PC
Mon May 13 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells expressing miR-125b inhibit neointimal hyperplasia via myosin IE.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Wang D,Gao B,Yue J,Liu F,Liu Y,Fu W,Si Y
Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 EST 2019
MicroRNA-92a promotes vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration through the ROCK/MLCK signalling pathway.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Wang J,Zhang C,Li C,Zhao D,Li S,Ma L,Cui Y,Wei X,Zhao Y,Gao Y
Wed May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2019
MicroRNA-92a promotes vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration through the ROCK/MLCK signalling pathway.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Wang J,Zhang C,Li C,Zhao D,Li S,Ma L,Cui Y,Wei X,Zhao Y,Gao Y
Wed May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2019
MicroRNA-92a promotes vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration through the ROCK/MLCK signalling pathway.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Wang J,Zhang C,Li C,Zhao D,Li S,Ma L,Cui Y,Wei X,Zhao Y,Gao Y
Wed May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Cell Type-Specific Interferon-γ-mediated Antagonism of KSHV Lytic Replication.
Scientific reports
Park MK,Cho H,Roh SW,Kim SJ,Myoung J
Wed Feb 20 00:00:00 EST 2019
Oxidative stress-induced cellular senescence desensitizes cell growth and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells through down-regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta.
Pan CH,Chen CJ,Shih CM,Wang MF,Wang JY,Wu CH
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to suggest that a PDGFR-β-mediated pathway was suppressed in aging cells, and our clinical data showed that age and the vascular status were slightly negatively correlated in overall participants.
Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2019
TGF-β-SNAIL axis induces Müller glial-mesenchymal transition in the pathogenesis of idiopathic epiretinal membrane.
Scientific reports
Kanda A,Noda K,Hirose I,Ishida S
Thu Jan 24 00:00:00 EST 2019
Impact of UV sterilization and short term storage on the in vitro release kinetics and bioactivity of biomolecules from electrospun scaffolds.
Scientific reports
Evrova O,Kellenberger D,Scalera C,Calcagni M,Giovanoli P,Vogel V,Buschmann J
Tue Oct 22 00:00:00 EDT 2019
3D extracellular matrix microenvironment in bioengineered tissue models of primary pediatric and adult brain tumors.
Nature communications
Sood D,Tang-Schomer M,Pouli D,Mizzoni C,Raia N,Tai A,Arkun K,Wu J,Black LD,Scheffler B,Georgakoudi I,Steindler DA,Kaplan DL
Fri Oct 04 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Mesenchymal stromal cell activation by breast cancer secretomes in bioengineered 3D microenvironments.
Life science alliance
Blache U,Horton ER,Xia T,Schoof EM,Blicher LH,Schönenberger A,Snedeker JG,Martin I,Erler JT,Ehrbar M
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to investigate paracrine signalling from breast cancer cells to TA-MSCs in 3D, which may highlight new potential targets for anticancer therapy approaches aimed at targeting tumour stroma.
Sat Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2019
A KLF6-driven transcriptional network links lipid homeostasis and tumour growth in renal carcinoma.
Nature communications
Syafruddin SE,Rodrigues P,Vojtasova E,Patel SA,Zaini MN,Burge J,Warren AY,Stewart GD,Eisen T,Bihary D,Samarajiwa SA,Vanharanta S
Mon Mar 11 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Evaluation of Neurosecretome from Mesenchymal Stem Cells Encapsulated in Silk Fibroin Hydrogels.
Scientific reports
Martín-Martín Y,Fernández-García L,Sanchez-Rebato MH,Marí-Buyé N,Rojo FJ,Pérez-Rigueiro J,Ramos M,Guinea GV,Panetsos F,González-Nieto D
Wed Jun 19 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Patient-Specific iPSC Model of a Genetic Vascular Dementia Syndrome Reveals Failure of Mural Cells to Stabilize Capillary Structures.
Stem cell reports
Kelleher J,Dickinson A,Cain S,Hu Y,Bates N,Harvey A,Ren J,Zhang W,Moreton FC,Muir KW,Ward C,Touyz RM,Sharma P,Xu Q,Kimber SJ,Wang T
Tue Nov 12 00:00:00 EST 2019
Novel and shared neoantigen derived from histone 3 variant H3.3K27M mutation for glioma T cell therapy.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Chheda ZS,Kohanbash G,Okada K,Jahan N,Sidney J,Pecoraro M,Yang X,Carrera DA,Downey KM,Shrivastav S,Liu S,Lin Y,Lagisetti C,Chuntova P,Watchmaker PB,Mueller S,Pollack IF,Rajalingam R,Carcaboso AM,Mann M,Sette A,Garcia KC,Hou Y,Okada H
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to assess whether targeting the neoantigen resulting from the histone 3 variant H3.3K27M mutation is therapeutically viable in T cell-based therapy for glioma.
Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 EST 2018
Novel and shared neoantigen derived from histone 3 variant H3.3K27M mutation for glioma T cell therapy.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Chheda ZS,Kohanbash G,Okada K,Jahan N,Sidney J,Pecoraro M,Yang X,Carrera DA,Downey KM,Shrivastav S,Liu S,Lin Y,Lagisetti C,Chuntova P,Watchmaker PB,Mueller S,Pollack IF,Rajalingam R,Carcaboso AM,Mann M,Sette A,Garcia KC,Hou Y,Okada H
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to assess whether targeting the neoantigen resulting from the histone 3 variant H3.3K27M mutation is therapeutically viable in T cell-based therapy for glioma.
Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 EST 2018
Therapeutically targeting tumor microenvironment-mediated drug resistance in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Shee K,Yang W,Hinds JW,Hampsch RA,Varn FS,Traphagen NA,Patel K,Cheng C,Jenkins NP,Kettenbach AN,Demidenko E,Owens P,Faber AC,Golub TR,Straussman R,Miller TW
Mon Mar 05 00:00:00 EST 2018
The WD40 domain of ATG16L1 is required for its non-canonical role in lipidation of LC3 at single membranes.
The EMBO journal
Fletcher K,Ulferts R,Jacquin E,Veith T,Gammoh N,Arasteh JM,Mayer U,Carding SR,Wileman T,Beale R,Florey O
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to demonstrate activation of non-canonical autophagy dependent on the WD40 CTD during influenza A virus infection.
Thu Feb 15 00:00:00 EST 2018
Multiple Functions of Lysyl Oxidase Like-2 in Oral Fibroproliferative Processes.
Journal of dental research
Saxena D,Mahjour F,Findlay AD,Mously EA,Kantarci A,Trackman PC
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to study the role of LOXL2 leading to the proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2018
Endothelial cell activation on 3D-matrices derived from PDGF-BB-stimulated fibroblasts is mediated by Snail1.
Herrera A,Herrera M,Guerra-Perez N,Galindo-Pumariño C,Larriba MJ,García-Barberán V,Gil B,Giménez-Moyano S,Ferreiro-Monteagudo R,Veguillas P,Candia A,Peña R,Pinto J,García-Bermejo ML,Muñoz A,García de Herreros A,Bonilla F,Carrato A,Peña C
Mon Sep 24 00:00:00 EDT 2018
The Pericytic Phenotype of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells Is Promoted by NOTCH2.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Terlizzi V,Kolibabka M,Burgess JK,Hammes HP,Harmsen MC
Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 EST 2018
Cryopreservation of canine cardiosphere-derived cells: Implications for clinical application.
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology
Dutton LC,Church SAV,Hodgkiss-Geere H,Catchpole B,Huggins A,Dudhia J,Connolly DJ
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to show that cryopreservation of canine CDCs is feasible without altering their stem characteristics, thereby facilitating their utilization for clinical trials.
Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2018
PDGF-mediated mesenchymal transformation renders endothelial resistance to anti-VEGF treatment in glioblastoma.
Nature communications
Liu T,Ma W,Xu H,Huang M,Zhang D,He Z,Zhang L,Brem S,O'Rourke DM,Gong Y,Mou Y,Zhang Z,Fan Y
Mon Aug 27 00:00:00 EDT 2018
PDGF enhances the protective effect of adipose stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in a model of acute hindlimb ischemia.
Scientific reports
Lopatina T,Favaro E,Grange C,Cedrino M,Ranghino A,Occhipinti S,Fallo S,Buffolo F,Gaykalova DA,Zanone MM,Romagnoli R,Camussi G
Tue Dec 04 00:00:00 EST 2018
TBX2 is a neuroblastoma core regulatory circuitry component enhancing MYCN/FOXM1 reactivation of DREAM targets.
Nature communications
Decaesteker B,Denecker G,Van Neste C,Dolman EM,Van Loocke W,Gartlgruber M,Nunes C,De Vloed F,Depuydt P,Verboom K,Rombaut D,Loontiens S,De Wyn J,Kholosy WM,Koopmans B,Essing AHW,Herrmann C,Dreidax D,Durinck K,Deforce D,Van Nieuwerburgh F,Henssen A,Versteeg R,Boeva V,Schleiermacher G,van Nes J,Mestdagh P,Vanhauwaert S,Schulte JH,Westermann F,Molenaar JJ,De Preter K,Speleman F
Mon Nov 19 00:00:00 EST 2018
Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Patients with COL3A1 Mutations and Differentiation to Smooth Muscle Cells for ECM-Surfaceome Analyses.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
He J,Weng Z,Wu SCM,Boheler KR
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to generate iPSCs from human fibroblasts containing mutations in COL3A1, and characterize the putative iPSCs in vivo and in vitro to ensure potency and differentiation potential.
Tue Aug 14 00:00:00 EDT 2018
Enhanced Biological Response of AVS-Functionalized Ti-6Al-4V Alloy through Covalent Immobilization of Collagen.
Scientific reports
Rezvanian P,Daza R,López PA,Ramos M,González-Nieto D,Elices M,Guinea GV,Pérez-Rigueiro J
Tue Feb 20 00:00:00 EST 2018
Neomorphic PDGFRA extracellular domain driver mutations are resistant to PDGFRA targeted therapies.
Nature communications
Ip CKM,Ng PKS,Jeong KJ,Shao SH,Ju Z,Leonard PG,Hua X,Vellano CP,Woessner R,Sahni N,Scott KL,Mills GB
Fri Nov 02 00:00:00 EDT 2018
Cancer-Specific Retargeting of BAF Complexes by a Prion-like Domain.
Boulay G,Sandoval GJ,Riggi N,Iyer S,Buisson R,Naigles B,Awad ME,Rengarajan S,Volorio A,McBride MJ,Broye LC,Zou L,Stamenkovic I,Kadoch C,Rivera MN
Thu Sep 21 00:00:00 EDT 2017
PDGF-induced fibroblast growth requires monounsaturated fatty acid production by stearoyl-CoA desaturase.
FEBS open bio
Coomans de Brachène A,Dif N,de Rocca Serra A,Bonnineau C,Velghe AI,Larondelle Y,Tyteca D,Demoulin JB
Wed Mar 01 00:00:00 EST 2017
Transplanted human p75-positive stem Leydig cells replace disrupted Leydig cells for testosterone production.
Cell death & disease
Zhang M,Wang J,Deng C,Jiang MH,Feng X,Xia K,Li W,Lai X,Xiao H,Ge RS,Gao Y,Xiang AP
Thu Oct 12 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Transcriptome Analysis Uncovers a Growth-Promoting Activity of Orosomucoid-1 on Hepatocytes.
Qin XY,Hara M,Arner E,Kawaguchi Y,Inoue I,Tatsukawa H,Furutani Y,Nagatsuma K,Matsuura T,Wei F,Kikuchi J,Sone H,Daub C,Kawaji H,Lassmann T,Itoh M,Suzuki H,Carninci P,Hayashizaki Y,Kokudo N,Forrest ARR,Kojima S
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to investigate Orm1 in hepatocyte proliferation.
Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Application of galangin, an active component of Alpinia officinarum Hance (Zingiberaceae), for use in drug-eluting stents.
Scientific reports
Lee JJ,Lee JH,Yim NH,Han JH,Ma JY
Tue Aug 15 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Assay to visualize specific protein oxidation reveals spatio-temporal regulation of SHP2.
Nature communications
Tsutsumi R,Harizanova J,Stockert R,Schröder K,Bastiaens PIH,Neel BG
Wed Sep 06 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Chebulinic acid inhibits smooth muscle cell migration by suppressing PDGF-Rβ phosphorylation and inhibiting matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression.
Scientific reports
Song IS,Jeong YJ,Park JH,Shim S,Jang SW
Mon Sep 18 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) regulates cytoglobin expression and activation of human hepatic stellate cells via JNK signaling.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Sato-Matsubara M,Matsubara T,Daikoku A,Okina Y,Longato L,Rombouts K,Thuy LTT,Adachi J,Tomonaga T,Ikeda K,Yoshizato K,Pinzani M,Kawada N
Fri Nov 17 00:00:00 EST 2017
Kinetic Modeling and Analysis of the Akt/Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (mTORC1) Signaling Axis Reveals Cooperative, Feedforward Regulation.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Rahman A,Haugh JM
Fri Feb 17 00:00:00 EST 2017
Neuropilin 1 binds PDGF-D and is a co-receptor in PDGF-D-PDGFRβ signaling.
Journal of cell science
Muhl L,Folestad EB,Gladh H,Wang Y,Moessinger C,Jakobsson L,Eriksson U
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to show that NRP1 can act as a co-receptor for PDGF-D-PDGFRβ signaling and is possibly implicated in intercellular communication in the vascular wall.
Sat Apr 15 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Involvement of PI3K and MMP1 in PDGF-induced Migration of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells.
Development & reproduction
Lim Y,Lee M,Jeong H,Kim H
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to suggest that PDGF might signal hADSCs through PI3K, and MMP1 activity could play an important role in this PDGF-induced migration in vitro.
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2017
Dual Therapeutic Action of a Neutralizing Anti-FGF2 Aptamer in Bone Disease and Bone Cancer Pain.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Jin L,Nonaka Y,Miyakawa S,Fujiwara M,Nakamura Y
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2016
Dual Therapeutic Action of a Neutralizing Anti-FGF2 Aptamer in Bone Disease and Bone Cancer Pain.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Jin L,Nonaka Y,Miyakawa S,Fujiwara M,Nakamura Y
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2016
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Activation Promotes the Prodestructive Invadosome-Forming Phenotype of Synoviocytes from Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Charbonneau M,Lavoie RR,Lauzier A,Harper K,McDonald PP,Dubois CM
Fri Apr 15 00:00:00 EDT 2016
Human Schwann-like cells derived from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells rapidly de-differentiate in the absence of stimulating medium.
The European journal of neuroscience
Faroni A,Smith RJ,Lu L,Reid AJ
Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 EST 2016
Inhibition of Epac1 suppresses mitochondrial fission and reduces neointima formation induced by vascular injury.
Scientific reports
Wang H,Robichaux WG,Wang Z,Mei FC,Cai M,Du G,Chen J,Cheng X
Thu Nov 10 00:00:00 EST 2016
Lysophosphatidic acid activates Arf6 to promote the mesenchymal malignancy of renal cancer.
Nature communications
Hashimoto S,Mikami S,Sugino H,Yoshikawa A,Hashimoto A,Onodera Y,Furukawa S,Handa H,Oikawa T,Okada Y,Oya M,Sabe H
Mon Feb 08 00:00:00 EST 2016
Etoposide Induces Apoptosis in Activated Human Hepatic Stellate Cells via ER Stress.
Scientific reports
Wang C,Zhang F,Cao Y,Zhang M,Wang A,Xu M,Su M,Zhang M,Zhuge Y
Thu Sep 29 00:00:00 EDT 2016
Wnt/β-Catenin Stimulation and Laminins Support Cardiovascular Cell Progenitor Expansion from Human Fetal Cardiac Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.
Stem cell reports
Månsson-Broberg A,Rodin S,Bulatovic I,Ibarra C,Löfling M,Genead R,Wärdell E,Felldin U,Granath C,Alici E,Le Blanc K,Smith CIE,Salašová A,Westgren M,Sundström E,Uhlén P,Arenas E,Sylvén C,Tryggvason K,Corbascio M,Simonson OE,Österholm C,Grinnemo KH
Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 EDT 2016
The fusion protein SS18-SSX1 employs core Wnt pathway transcription factors to induce a partial Wnt signature in synovial sarcoma.
Scientific reports
Cironi L,Petricevic T,Fernandes Vieira V,Provero P,Fusco C,Cornaz S,Fregni G,Letovanec I,Aguet M,Stamenkovic I
Wed Feb 24 00:00:00 EST 2016
Identification of MMP1 as a novel risk factor for intracranial aneurysms in ADPKD using iPSC models.
Scientific reports
Ameku T,Taura D,Sone M,Numata T,Nakamura M,Shiota F,Toyoda T,Matsui S,Araoka T,Yasuno T,Mae S,Kobayashi H,Kondo N,Kitaoka F,Amano N,Arai S,Ichisaka T,Matsuura N,Inoue S,Yamamoto T,Takahashi K,Asaka I,Yamada Y,Ubara Y,Muso E,Fukatsu A,Watanabe A,Sato Y,Nakahata T,Mori Y,Koizumi A,Nakao K,Yamanaka S,Osafune K
Fri Jul 15 00:00:00 EDT 2016
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor BB Enhances Osteogenesis of Adipose-Derived But Not Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Hung BP,Hutton DL,Kozielski KL,Bishop CJ,Naved B,Green JJ,Caplan AI,Gimble JM,Dorafshar AH,Grayson WL
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification-associated PDGFRB mutations impair the receptor signalling.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Arts FA,Velghe AI,Stevens M,Renauld JC,Essaghir A,Demoulin JB
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2015
Cardiac regenerative potential of cardiosphere-derived cells from adult dog hearts.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Hensley MT,de Andrade J,Keene B,Meurs K,Tang J,Wang Z,Caranasos TG,Piedrahita J,Li TS,Cheng K
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Differential Regulation of NOTCH2 and NOTCH3 Contribute to Their Unique Functions in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Baeten JT,Lilly B
Fri Jun 26 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Repression of AKT signaling by ARQ 092 in cells and tissues from patients with Proteus syndrome.
Scientific reports
Lindhurst MJ,Yourick MR,Yu Y,Savage RE,Ferrari D,Biesecker LG
Fri Dec 11 00:00:00 EST 2015
Stonin1 mediates endocytosis of the proteoglycan NG2 and regulates focal adhesion dynamics and cell motility.
Nature communications
Feutlinske F,Browarski M,Ku MC,Trnka P,Waiczies S,Niendorf T,Stallcup WB,Glass R,Krause E,Maritzen T
Mon Oct 05 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Stonin1 mediates endocytosis of the proteoglycan NG2 and regulates focal adhesion dynamics and cell motility.
Nature communications
Feutlinske F,Browarski M,Ku MC,Trnka P,Waiczies S,Niendorf T,Stallcup WB,Glass R,Krause E,Maritzen T
Mon Oct 05 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Computer-assisted quantification of motile and invasive capabilities of cancer cells.
Scientific reports
Kumar KS,Pillong M,Kunze J,Burghardt I,Weller M,Grotzer MA,Schneider G,Baumgartner M
Wed Oct 21 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Characterization of Nestin-positive stem Leydig cells as a potential source for the treatment of testicular Leydig cell dysfunction.
Cell research
Jiang MH,Cai B,Tuo Y,Wang J,Zang ZJ,Tu X,Gao Y,Su Z,Li W,Li G,Zhang M,Jiao J,Wan Z,Deng C,Lahn BT,Xiang AP
Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 2014
EWS-FLI1 utilizes divergent chromatin remodeling mechanisms to directly activate or repress enhancer elements in Ewing sarcoma.
Cancer cell
Riggi N,Knoechel B,Gillespie SM,Rheinbay E,Boulay G,Suvà ML,Rossetti NE,Boonseng WE,Oksuz O,Cook EB,Formey A,Patel A,Gymrek M,Thapar V,Deshpande V,Ting DT,Hornicek FJ,Nielsen GP,Stamenkovic I,Aryee MJ,Bernstein BE,Rivera MN
Mon Nov 10 00:00:00 EST 2014
Vasoprotective effect of PDGF-CC mediated by HMOX1 rescues retinal degeneration.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
He C,Zhao C,Kumar A,Lee C,Chen M,Huang L,Wang J,Ren X,Jiang Y,Chen W,Wang B,Gao Z,Zhong Z,Huang Z,Zhang F,Huang B,Ding H,Ju R,Tang Z,Liu Y,Cao Y,Li X,Liu X
Tue Oct 14 00:00:00 EDT 2014
The sinus venosus contributes to coronary vasculature through VEGFC-stimulated angiogenesis.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Chen HI,Sharma B,Akerberg BN,Numi HJ,Kivelä R,Saharinen P,Aghajanian H,McKay AS,Bogard PE,Chang AH,Jacobs AH,Epstein JA,Stankunas K,Alitalo K,Red-Horse K
100-14B was used in In vitro experiments to propose that complementary SV-derived and endocardial-derived migratory routes unite to form the coronary vasculature and that the former requires VEGFC, revealing its role as a tissue-specific mediator of blood endothelial development.
Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 2014
Directed differentiation of embryonic origin-specific vascular smooth muscle subtypes from human pluripotent stem cells.
Nature protocols
Cheung C,Bernardo AS,Pedersen RA,Sinha S
100-14B was used in Cell Culture to describe how human pluripotent stem cells can be differentiated into distinct populations of SMC subtypes under chemically defined conditions.
Tue Apr 01 00:00:00 EDT 2014
Sulfur dioxide inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation via suppressing the Erk/MAP kinase pathway mediated by cAMP/PKA signaling.
Cell death & disease
Liu D,Huang Y,Bu D,Liu AD,Holmberg L,Jia Y,Tang C,Du J,Jin H
Thu May 22 00:00:00 EDT 2014
Generation, expansion and functional analysis of endothelial cells and pericytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells.
Nature protocols
Orlova VV,van den Hil FE,Petrus-Reurer S,Drabsch Y,Ten Dijke P,Mummery CL
100-14B was used in Sample Preparation (FC/FACS) to describe the culture, differentiation, isolation and functional characterization of human endothelial cells.
Sun Dec 28 00:00:00 EST 2014
Regulation of T cell proliferation by JMJD6 and PDGF-BB during chronic hepatitis B infection.
Scientific reports
Chen CF,Feng X,Liao HY,Jin WJ,Zhang J,Wang Y,Gong LL,Liu JJ,Yuan XH,Zhao BB,Zhang D,Chen GF,Wan Y,Guo J,Yan HP,He YW
Mon Sep 15 00:00:00 EDT 2014
Imatinib disrupts lymphoma angiogenesis by targeting vascular pericytes.
Ruan J,Luo M,Wang C,Fan L,Yang SN,Cardenas M,Geng H,Leonard JP,Melnick A,Cerchietti L,Hajjar KA
Thu Jun 27 00:00:00 EDT 2013
Imatinib disrupts lymphoma angiogenesis by targeting vascular pericytes.
Ruan J,Luo M,Wang C,Fan L,Yang SN,Cardenas M,Geng H,Leonard JP,Melnick A,Cerchietti L,Hajjar KA
Thu Jun 27 00:00:00 EDT 2013
Platelet-derived growth factor-BB activates calcium/calmodulin-dependent and -independent mechanisms that mediate Akt phosphorylation in the neurofibromin-deficient human Schwann cell line ST88-14.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Farrer RG,Farrer JR,DeVries GH
Fri Apr 19 00:00:00 EDT 2013
Essential role for endocytosis in the growth factor-stimulated activation of ERK1/2 in endothelial cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Gourlaouen M,Welti JC,Vasudev NS,Reynolds AR
Fri Mar 15 00:00:00 EDT 2013
Akt Regulates TNFα synthesis downstream of RIP1 kinase activation during necroptosis.
PloS one
McNamara CR,Ahuja R,Osafo-Addo AD,Barrows D,Kettenbach A,Skidan I,Teng X,Cuny GD,Gerber S,Degterev A
Tue Aug 27 00:00:00 EDT 2013
Data-driven modelling of receptor tyrosine kinase signalling networks quantifies receptor-specific potencies of PI3K- and Ras-dependent ERK activation.
The Biochemical journal
Cirit M,Haugh JM
Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2012
Inhibitory Effect of Curcumol on Jak2-STAT Signal Pathway Molecules of Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM
Wang H,Fang Y,Wang Y,Wang Z,Zou Q,Shi Y,Chen J,Peng D
Thu Aug 23 00:00:00 EDT 2012
Systemic perturbation of the ERK signaling pathway by the proteasome inhibitor, MG132.
PloS one
Cirit M,Grant KG,Haugh JM
Tue May 28 00:00:00 EDT 2013
Systemic perturbation of the ERK signaling pathway by the proteasome inhibitor, MG132.
PloS one
Cirit M,Grant KG,Haugh JM
Tue May 28 00:00:00 EDT 2013
CCN2/connective tissue growth factor is essential for pericyte adhesion and endothelial basement membrane formation during angiogenesis.
PloS one
Hall-Glenn F,De Young RA,Huang BL,van Handel B,Hofmann JJ,Chen TT,Choi A,Ong JR,Benya PD,Mikkola H,Iruela-Arispe ML,Lyons KM
Fri Jun 29 00:00:00 EDT 2012
Dasatinib as a bone-modifying agent: anabolic and anti-resorptive effects.
PloS one
Garcia-Gomez A,Ocio EM,Crusoe E,Santamaria C,Hernández-Campo P,Blanco JF,Sanchez-Guijo FM,Hernández-Iglesias T,Briñón JG,Fisac-Herrero RM,Lee FY,Pandiella A,San Miguel JF,Garayoa M
Mon Sep 10 00:00:00 EDT 2012
Decreased expression of vitamin D receptors in neointimal lesions following coronary artery angioplasty in atherosclerotic swine.
PloS one
Gupta GK,Agrawal T,Del Core MG,Hunter WJ,Agrawal DK
Thu Jan 10 00:00:00 EST 2013
Activation of STAT6 by STING is critical for antiviral innate immunity.
Chen H,Sun H,You F,Sun W,Zhou X,Chen L,Yang J,Wang Y,Tang H,Guan Y,Xia W,Gu J,Ishikawa H,Gutman D,Barber G,Qin Z,Jiang Z
Fri Oct 14 00:00:00 EDT 2011
MEK-ERK pathway modulation ameliorates disease phenotypes in a mouse model of Noonan syndrome associated with the Raf1(L613V) mutation.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Wu X,Simpson J,Hong JH,Kim KH,Thavarajah NK,Backx PH,Neel BG,Araki T
Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 EST 2011
E-3810 is a potent dual inhibitor of VEGFR and FGFR that exerts antitumor activity in multiple preclinical models.
Cancer research
Bello E,Colella G,Scarlato V,Oliva P,Berndt A,Valbusa G,Serra SC,D'Incalci M,Cavalletti E,Giavazzi R,Damia G,Camboni G
Tue Feb 15 00:00:00 EST 2011
E-3810 is a potent dual inhibitor of VEGFR and FGFR that exerts antitumor activity in multiple preclinical models.
Cancer research
Bello E,Colella G,Scarlato V,Oliva P,Berndt A,Valbusa G,Serra SC,D'Incalci M,Cavalletti E,Giavazzi R,Damia G,Camboni G
Tue Feb 15 00:00:00 EST 2011
Dissection of the biphasic nature of hypoxia-induced motogenic action in bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Busletta C,Novo E,Valfrè Di Bonzo L,Povero D,Paternostro C,Ievolella M,Mareschi K,Ferrero I,Cannito S,Compagnone A,Bandino A,Colombatto S,Fagioli F,Parola M
Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2011
Towards the maturation and characterization of smooth muscle cells derived from human embryonic stem cells.
PloS one
Vazão H,das Neves RP,Grãos M,Ferreira L
Thu Mar 10 00:00:00 EST 2011
Loss of runt-related transcription factor 3 expression leads hepatocellular carcinoma cells to escape apoptosis.
BMC cancer
Nakanishi Y,Shiraha H,Nishina S,Tanaka S,Matsubara M,Horiguchi S,Iwamuro M,Takaoka N,Uemura M,Kuwaki K,Hagihara H,Toshimori J,Ohnishi H,Takaki A,Nakamura S,Kobayashi Y,Nouso K,Yagi T,Yamamoto K
Tue Jan 04 00:00:00 EST 2011
Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta contributes to proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells in pulmonary hypertension.
PloS one
Sklepkiewicz P,Schermuly RT,Tian X,Ghofrani HA,Weissmann N,Sedding D,Kashour T,Seeger W,Grimminger F,Pullamsetti SS
Mon Apr 18 00:00:00 EDT 2011
Biophysical characteristics reveal neural stem cell differentiation potential.
PloS one
Labeed FH,Lu J,Mulhall HJ,Marchenko SA,Hoettges KF,Estrada LC,Lee AP,Hughes MP,Flanagan LA
Thu Jan 26 00:00:00 EST 2012
Allosteric modulation of Ras-GTP is linked to signal transduction through RAF kinase.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Buhrman G,Kumar VS,Cirit M,Haugh JM,Mattos C
Fri Feb 04 00:00:00 EST 2011
Amplification of the angiogenic signal through the activation of the TSC/mTOR/HIF axis by the KSHV vGPCR in Kaposi's sarcoma.
PloS one
Jham BC,Ma T,Hu J,Chaisuparat R,Friedman ER,Pandolfi PP,Schneider A,Sodhi A,Montaner S
Fri Apr 29 00:00:00 EDT 2011
Discovery of novel small molecule activators of β-catenin signaling.
PloS one
Verkaar F,van der Stelt M,Blankesteijn WM,van der Doelen AA,Zaman GJ
Fri Apr 29 00:00:00 EDT 2011
AP-1 is a component of the transcriptional network regulated by GSK-3 in quiescent cells.
PloS one
Tullai JW,Tacheva S,Owens LJ,Graham JR,Cooper GM
Thu Sep 22 00:00:00 EDT 2011
Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-2 deficiency leads to inhibition of macrophage proinflammatory activities and atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Wang F,Okamoto Y,Inoki I,Yoshioka K,Du W,Qi X,Takuwa N,Gonda K,Yamamoto Y,Ohkawa R,Nishiuchi T,Sugimoto N,Yatomi Y,Mitsumori K,Asano M,Kinoshita M,Takuwa Y
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition-derived cells exhibit multilineage differentiation potential similar to mesenchymal stem cells.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Battula VL,Evans KW,Hollier BG,Shi Y,Marini FC,Ayyanan A,Wang RY,Brisken C,Guerra R,Andreeff M,Mani SA
Sun Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Role of the CXCR4/CXCL12 axis in lymphangioleiomyomatosis and angiomyolipoma.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Clements D,Markwick LJ,Puri N,Johnson SR
Sun Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Telomere attrition occurs during ex vivo expansion of human dental pulp stem cells.
Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology
Mokry J,Soukup T,Micuda S,Karbanova J,Visek B,Brcakova E,Suchanek J,Bouchal J,Vokurkova D,Ivancakova R
Wed May 18 00:00:00 EDT 2011
A serum factor induces insulin-independent translocation of GLUT4 to the cell surface which is maintained in insulin resistance.
PloS one
Berenguer M,Martinez L,Giorgetti-Peraldi S,Le Marchand-Brustel Y,Govers R
Mon Dec 20 00:00:00 EST 2010
Platelet-derived growth factor differentially regulates the expression and post-translational modification of versican by arterial smooth muscle cells through distinct protein kinase C and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Cardoso LE,Little PJ,Ballinger ML,Chan CK,Braun KR,Potter-Perigo S,Bornfeldt KE,Kinsella MG,Wight TN
Fri Mar 05 00:00:00 EST 2010
Dynamic interaction networks in a hierarchically organized tissue.
Molecular systems biology
Kirouac DC,Ito C,Csaszar E,Roch A,Yu M,Sykes EA,Bader GD,Zandstra PW
Tue Oct 05 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Systematic quantification of negative feedback mechanisms in the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling network.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Cirit M,Wang CC,Haugh JM
Fri Nov 19 00:00:00 EST 2010
Calcium flickers steer cell migration.
Wei C,Wang X,Chen M,Ouyang K,Song LS,Cheng H
Thu Feb 12 00:00:00 EST 2009
Neuregulin1/ErbB4 signaling induces cardiomyocyte proliferation and repair of heart injury.
Bersell K,Arab S,Haring B,Kühn B
Thu Jul 23 00:00:00 EDT 2009
The influence of the sequential delivery of angiogenic factors from affinity-binding alginate scaffolds on vascularization.
Freeman I,Cohen S
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Canonical Wnts function as potent regulators of osteogenesis by human mesenchymal stem cells.
The Journal of cell biology
Liu G,Vijayakumar S,Grumolato L,Arroyave R,Qiao H,Akiri G,Aaronson SA
Mon Apr 06 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Possible implication of satellite cells in regenerative motoneuritogenesis: HGF upregulates neural chemorepellent Sema3A during myogenic differentiation.
American journal of physiology. Cell physiology
Tatsumi R,Sankoda Y,Anderson JE,Sato Y,Mizunoya W,Shimizu N,Suzuki T,Yamada M,Rhoads RP,Ikeuchi Y,Allen RE
100-14B was used in Sample Preparation (PCR) to investigate the expression of a neural secreted chemorepellent semaphorin 3A on satellite cells regeneration and muscle fiber growth.
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Inhibition of human retinal pigment epithelial cell attachment, spreading, and migration by the human lectin galectin-1.
Molecular vision
Alge-Priglinger CS,André S,Kreutzer TC,Deeg CA,Kampik A,Kernt M,Schöffl H,Priglinger SG,Gabius HJ
Fri Oct 23 00:00:00 EDT 2009
FRS2 via fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 is required for platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta-mediated regulation of vascular smooth muscle marker gene expression.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Chen PY,Simons M,Friesel R
Fri Jun 05 00:00:00 EDT 2009
The transcription of FOXO genes is stimulated by FOXO3 and repressed by growth factors.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Essaghir A,Dif N,Marbehant CY,Coffer PJ,Demoulin JB
Fri Apr 17 00:00:00 EDT 2009
A conserved mechanism for control of human and mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation by shp2 tyrosine phosphatase.
PloS one
Wu D,Pang Y,Ke Y,Yu J,He Z,Tautz L,Mustelin T,Ding S,Huang Z,Feng GS
Thu May 28 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Evaluation of intracellular signalling pathways in response to insulin-like growth factor I in apoptotic-resistant activated human hepatic stellate cells.
Fibrogenesis & tissue repair
Gentilini A,Lottini B,Brogi M,Caligiuri A,Cosmi L,Marra F,Pinzani M
Fri Jan 30 00:00:00 EST 2009
PI3K-dependent cross-talk interactions converge with Ras as quantifiable inputs integrated by Erk.
Molecular systems biology
Wang CC,Cirit M,Haugh JM
Mon Apr 13 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Regulation by afadin of cyclical activation and inactivation of Rap1, Rac1, and RhoA small G proteins at leading edges of moving NIH3T3 cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Miyata M,Rikitake Y,Takahashi M,Nagamatsu Y,Yamauchi Y,Ogita H,Hirata K,Takai Y
Fri Sep 04 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Osteoclasts control osteoblast chemotaxis via PDGF-BB/PDGF receptor beta signaling.
PloS one
Sanchez-Fernandez MA,Gallois A,Riedl T,Jurdic P,Hoflack B
Wed Jan 21 00:00:00 EST 2009
Transplantation of vascular cells derived from human embryonic stem cells contributes to vascular regeneration after stroke in mice.
Journal of translational medicine
Oyamada N,Itoh H,Sone M,Yamahara K,Miyashita K,Park K,Taura D,Inuzuka M,Sonoyama T,Tsujimoto H,Fukunaga Y,Tamura N,Nakao K
Tue Sep 30 00:00:00 EDT 2008
Transplantation of vascular cells derived from human embryonic stem cells contributes to vascular regeneration after stroke in mice.
Journal of translational medicine
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