Christopher Lawrence,
BSc MBBS LLM MD(Res) MRCP(nephrology) FRCP
Dr. Chris Lawrence is a UK-trained transplant nephrologist, researcher, and now the One Lambda Director of Medical Affairs.
Qualifying in 2001, Chris trained in medicine at Imperial College, London. In addition to his medical degree, he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in cardiovascular science and medicine. In his training as a junior doctor, he rotated between St Mary’s Hospital, Chelsea; Westminster Hospital; and the Royal Brompton Hospital. His study of renal medicine and transplantation took place primarily at St Mary’s Hospital, the Hammersmith Hospital, and The Lister Hospital, where his training incorporated a research doctorate in transplant immunology. His research focused on antibody incompatible (ABO and HLA) transplantation.
In 2012, he was appointed consultant nephrologist (Attending) at the Lister Hospital where he was clinical lead for transplantation, and starting in 2016, he also undertook a weekly transplant clinic at Addenbrooke’s hospital.
Throughout his career, Chris has maintained an interest in research. His work includes serving as a Principle Investigator in the MinTac trial, a randomised controlled trial of minimal change disease, and the supervision of a PhD on adherence behaviour in transplant patients.
Although Chris joined One Lambda full time in March 2020, he remains an active clinician with current licensing and continues to undertake outpatient clinics and kidney biopsies. He is keenly interested in pursuing the advancement of patient care for better outcomes, particularly among transplant candidates and recipients in minority communities as well as among patients with challenging, antibody-incompatible cases.