Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Length (Metric) | Diameter (Metric) | Particle Size |
061321 | 250 mm | 4.6 mm | 5 μm |
061319 | 50 mm | 4.6 mm | 5 μm |
061320 | 150 mm | 4.6 mm | 5 μm |
072624 | 150 mm | 2.1 mm | 2.2 μm |
072623 | 100 mm | 2.1 mm | 2.2 μm |
072622 | 50 mm | 2.1 mm | 2.2 μm |
071983 | 10 mm | 3 mm | 5 μm |
070079 | 250 mm | 3 mm | 3 μm |
069698 | 10 mm | 4.6 mm | 5 μm |
069691 | 10 mm | 2.1 mm | 5 μm |
063693 | 150 mm | 3 mm | 3 μm |
061318 | 150 mm | 4.6 mm | 3 μm |
061317 | 150 mm | 2.1 mm | 3 μm |
061316 | 100 mm | 2.1 mm | 3 μm |
Resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes with Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ PolarAdvantage (PA) columns. These sulfonamide-embedded, reversed-phase columns provide unique selectivity and excellent peak shape for acidic, basic, and neutral analytes. In addition, the mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negates the problems of dewetting common with conventional C18 reversed-phase columns. Use Acclaim PA columns for efficient separations of nucleic acid and bases or pharmaceutical compounds using highly aqueous mobile phases.
Achieve the high standards set by modern HPLC and LC/MS methods with the Acclaim family of reversed-phase columns. These silica-based columns with advanced column bonding and endcapping technologies provide complementary selectivity, high column efficiencies, and ultra-high resolution for a wide variety of applications.