SVG2 RadiacMeter
SVG2 RadiacMeter
Thermo Scientific™

SVG2 RadiacMeter

A lightweight, handheld, battery-powered ratemeter for gamma and neutron radiation measurement ruggedized to meet the demands of the military and first responders.
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SVG2 RadiacMeter

Thermo Scientific™ SVG 2 RadiacMeter is a lightweight, handheld, battery-powered ratemeter for gamma and neutron radiation measurement ruggedized to meet the demands of the military and first responders. Incorporates the newest generation of hardened microprocessor technology with low power consumption.

This NATO-approved system is designed to provide critical measurements for nuclear incidents and attacks. Supports battlefield radiological measurements for alpha, beta, gamma and neutron.
  • Initial and residual dose rate from gamma and neutron radiation are detected by state-of-the-art semiconductor detection devices to provide the required sensitivity and durability necessary in hostile conditions
  • Contamination measurements for alpha and beta emitters are also supported in a unique external detector design
  • Ease of handling supported by its low weight and power consumption
  • Alarm thresholds for all detection modes are adjustable
  • Autoranging display with correct radiological units
  • Displays status, mode, and function; both current gamma dose rate and integrated gamma dose may be displayed
  • Built-in function keys permit the stored values to be recalled and displayed or transmitted over a serial interface to a PC to facilitate further investigation or report generation
  • Impervious to TREE, NEMP and EMV interferences
  • Interface to GPS and PC
  • Flashing symbols alert user to alarm conditions
  • Large, backlit LCD display
  • Analog trend indication of dose rate
  • Digital display of radiological value
  • Large area dedicated function keys
  • Watertight Illuminated keypad


Radiac Survey Meter with internal detector, external ABG probe (Alpha/Beta/Gamma), earphone, short telescopic handle for external probe, long telescopic handle for external probe, detector cable set, two carrying bags

DescriptionSVG2 RadiacMeter
Measurement RangeResidual GammaGamma Dose rate: 0.01µGy/h to 2.000 cG/h (Gy/h switchable to Sv/h) (1µR/h to 2000 Rad/hr); Gamma Dose: 0.01µGy to 2.000 cGy (Gy switchable to Sv) (1 Rad/hr to 2000 Rad/hr); Energy Range: 70 keV to 3 MeVInitial RadiationGamma Radiation: 1 cGy to 2,000 cGy (1-2000 Rad/hr); Neutron Radiation: 1 cGy to 2,000 cGy (1-2000 Rad/hr)Alpha-Beta-Gamma External ProbeAlpha Measurement Range: 0 to 300,000 cps; Beta Measurement Range: 0 to 300,000 cps; Gamma Measurement Range: 0.01µGy/h to 50 cGy/h (1µRAD/h to 50 RAD/h)
Operating Temperature (Metric)−30°C to 55°C
PerformanceTREE: 10 cGy/s neutron (10 RAD/s); NEMP: 75 kV/m, norm pulse slope 5 ns; EMV per VG95373: SA 02 G, protocol 1 and 2; SA 04 G, protocol 5 and 6; SA 03 G, protocol 7, 8, 9 and 10; Heat Flash: 2 s with 59 J/cm2; Salt Fog: 48 hours per MIL STD 810D; Protection Class: IP 67 per VG 95332, page 12, level 6
Height (English)3.1 in.
Operating Temperature (English)−22° to 131°F
EfficiencyEfficiency (pulse X cm2/beta particle)C-14: 0.047Cs-137Cs: 0.40Tl-204: 0.39Sr90Y: 0.57
Width (Metric)9 cm
Weight (Metric)3.5 kg
Depth (Metric)160 mm
Width (English)3.5 in.
Battery Life∼130 hr.
Weight (English)7.6 lb.
Depth (English)6.3 in.
Height (Metric)7.8 cm
Unit SizeEach