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A Marvelous Gift: The Kidney Transplant Story of Two Friends
When Dayna and David met as college students, they never thought that 40 years later, Dayna would give David her kidney. Read the story of their kidney transplant journey and lifelong friendship.
Video: Meeting the Need for Transplantation: UT Health San Antonio Lab Director Donates a Kidney to Save Lives
Dr. Kelley Hitchman with UT Health San Antonio shares her experience as a living kidney donor. In 2021, she helped more transplants occur by giving her kidney as a nondirected altruistic donor.
In the News: Valen Keefer received new kidney 20 years ago, transplant still going strong
Keefer and Dr. Lawrence are in Boston to attend the annual American Transplant Congress. Keefer hopes to encourage more Americans to become organ donors, and to serve as a resource for those facing future transplantation.
The Transplant Journey and the Role of Clinical Diagnostics
While each person’s journey is unique, here is an overview of what you can expect to experience before, during, and after your transplant.
The Painted Turtle Helps Support Renal and Transplant Families
We’ve partnered with The Painted Turtle to support initiatives for renal and transplant families, and we hope you’ll do the same!
The Role of the HLA Laboratory
In this presentation, Dr. Dave Lowe gives patients and families a brief overview of the role that the HLA laboratory plays in transplantation.
The Quest for Better Kidney Care in Multicultural Communities | Carolyn Lemos-Urquidez
Carolyn of Kidneys Quest Foundation discusses the challenges of dialysis patient care in diverse and underserved communities and what you can do to help.
Changing the Conversation on Chronic Illness & Disability | Patient Stories
Our W-ERG LA Chapter organized this webinar to discuss the common challenges, biases, and misconceptions that those with a chronic illness or disability often face.
The Power of Digital Storytelling to Educate, Empower, and Engage Patients and Prospective Living Donors | Amy Waterman
Dr. Waterman with UCLA and TREC shares how the true stories of transplant donors, recipients, and candidates have the power to save and change lives.
The Life-Saving Power of Transplantation and the Need for Further Transplant Innovations
Regina Armstrong, a 32-year heart transplant recipient and a recent kidney transplant recipient, is a One Legacy Ambassador and came to One Lambda to share her transplant journey.
Giving and Receiving the Gift of Life: Mona Castro Shares Her Family's Bittersweet Transplant Story
Mona Castro visited One Lambda to share her family’s poignant story of both giving and receiving the gift of life. Mona's daughter, Sara, is a two-time transplant recipient who was born with severe...
The Grief of Unexpected Loss, and the Healing Power of Deciding on Organ Donation
OneLegacy ambassador, Kim Payne, shared with us how she weathered the devastating loss of her grandson, Malaikye, by becoming an advocate for organ donation.