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Understanding Epitopes

User Group Meeting 2022

This User Group is not part of the ASHI official educational program, and the sessions and content are not endorsed by ASHI.

Guest speaker: David Lowe, PhD

Presentation title: Understanding Epitopes

Presentation description: This talk highlights how tools to identify epitope-specific patterns are now available as sophisticated software suites for the HLA lab.


Recorded at: Our 2022 User Group Meeting: Evolving Perspectives on Epitopes: Debating the
Emerging Research

Many aspects of eplet binding remain a mystery. Gaining a deeper grasp of how this mechanism works may require varied perspectives and cooperative effort from the transplant diagnostics community. At our User Group Meeting 2022, a global panel of speakers shared data and research from recent studies, including current collaborations, that are expanding our knowledge of eplet binding. They also deliberated whether an improved understanding of epitopes could enhance compatibility predictions.