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The MicroSEQ ID Purification Combo Kit v2.0 includes reagents for post-PCR and post-sequencing clean-up in the MicroSEQ ID microbial identification workflow. This version contains one tube of ExoSAP-IT Express Reagent for post-PCR clean-up and two 96- well MicroSEQ ID Ultra Sequencing Clean-up Plates for post-sequencing clean-up.
ExoSAP-IT Express Reagent removes unincorporated dNTPs and primers from the post-amplification PCR mix in 5 minutes compared to 30 minutes with the original ExoSAP-IT Reagent while producing equivalent results. The MicroSEQ ID Ultra Sequencing Clean-up kit in 96-well plate or 8-strips format provides a convenient and simple way to remove dye terminators, dNTPs, salts, and residual primers from cycle sequencing reactions. The end products can be used directly for sequencing on any Applied Biosystems genetic analyzer.
Comparability studies demonstrated equivalent results between the original ExoSAP-IT Reagent and the improved ExoSAP-IT Express Reagent coupled with the MicroSEQ ID Ultra Sequencing Clean-Up kit in the MicroSEQ ID workflow (see figure below). Both ExoSAP-IT and ExoSAP-IT Express enzyme-treated PCR samples produced very similar sequencing results and the correct identification result.
ExoSAP-IT Express Reagent can be used downstream of the following PCR amplification kits:
MicroSEQ ID Ultra Sequencing Clean-up Plates can be used downstream of the following sequencing kits: