Trabecular Segmentation Workflow for Murine Tibial Bone
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Trabecular Segmentation Workflow for Murine Tibial Bone

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

11 Dec 2023 - Here we provide a workflow to easily obtain the segmentation of trabecular bones.  Learn more

Xtras Installer for Amira-Avizo 2023.1 and Prior

Xtras Installer for Amira-Avizo 2023.1 and Prior

Recipe (hxrecipe), Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Deep learning model, Python (pyscro), Tcl, XPand module, Project (hx, pgo), Template, Demo, Data, Misc

30 Jun 2022 - The Xtras Installer is a tool that provides an easy way to install resources from the Xtra Library on to your local machine.  Learn more

Object Separation using Random-Walk Distance Map

Object Separation using Random-Walk Distance Map

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Demo, Data

3 Jun 2022 - Recipe utilizing an object separation workflow relying on the Random-Walk Distance Map. It is more robust than Separate Object for noisy segmentation or non-spherical shapes.  Learn more

Bone Segmentation Workflow for Murine Hindpaw
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Bone Segmentation Workflow for Murine Hindpaw

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Demo, Data

28 Apr 2022 - Semi-automatic workflow and recipe for high-throughput bone segmentation of murine hindpaw micro-CT datasets.  Learn more

Porosity Volume Fraction Analysis
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Porosity Volume Fraction Analysis

Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

18 Nov 2021 - This tutorial demonstrates the steps to quantify porosity volume fraction and distribution.  Learn more

Inter Time Steps Recipe Player
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Inter Time Steps Recipe Player

Recipe (hxrecipe), Python (pyscro), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

18 Nov 2021 - The Inter Time Steps Recipe Player module executes a two-input recipe to a specific pair of two successive time steps of a time series dataset, or to all its pairs of two successive time steps.  Learn more

Multi-Component Analysis of X-ray Computed Tomography Datasets
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Multi-Component Analysis of X-ray Computed Tomography Datasets

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data, Misc

4 Jan 2021 - The following videos and training material detail the steps taken to automate the analysis of multiple parts in a single X-ray CT volume.  Learn more

Thresholding From Mean
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Thresholding From Mean

Python (pyscro), Data

4 Jan 2021 - This module performs an adaptive global thresholding of the input image by computing a deviation from the mean of its grayscale values.  Learn more

Relative Area Fraction for Amira-Avizo2D
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Relative Area Fraction for Amira-Avizo2D

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Python (pyscro), Data, Misc

5 Oct 2020 - This Xtra provides a module to help compute the area fraction of a label over the area of another label in Amira-Avizo2D.  Learn more

Optical Thin Section Pore Space Characterization in HSV colorspace
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Optical Thin Section Pore Space Characterization in HSV colorspace

Python (pyscro), Project (hx, pgo), Data

10 Jul 2020 - Optical Thin Section Pore Space is segmented converting RGBA images in HSV colorspace by means of Python scripts.  Learn more

XFiber Automation

XFiber Automation

Tcl, Project (hx, pgo), Data

17 Jun 2020 - To make use of XFiber, the user usually needs to input many parameters. This package provides 2 tools to ease Xfiber process by presetting Cylinder Correlation and Auto Trace Correlation modules values.  Learn more

Molar Segmentation Using Watershed, Top-Hat, and Surface Generation
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Molar Segmentation Using Watershed, Top-Hat, and Surface Generation

Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

11 May 2020 - Data, tutorial, and complete project for segmenting a CT-scanned human molar artifact. The tutorial and project cover advanced image segmentation and surface generation.  Learn more

2D SEM  (White) Grain Segmentation

2D SEM (White) Grain Segmentation

Recipe (hxrecipe), Data

21 Oct 2019 - This recipe segments and calculate the physical attributes of the white grains in the 2D SEM image  Learn more

Random Forests for Multiclass Segmentation using Python API in PerGeos

Random Forests for Multiclass Segmentation using Python API in PerGeos

Python (pyscro), Project (hx, pgo), Data

21 Oct 2019 - Simple demonstration of feature computation where the feature vector contains intensity and 2D eigenvalues (X & Y). This example uses random forests implementation from the sklearn package.  Learn more

Length Distribution Analysis
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Length Distribution Analysis

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

21 Oct 2019 - This tutorial demonstrated how to quantify thickness distribution along the length  Learn more

Porosity Clustering Analysis and Distance to Surface
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Porosity Clustering Analysis and Distance to Surface

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

21 Oct 2019 - This tutorial demonstrates the steps necessary to quantify porosity distribution and perform a pore distance to surface analysis.  Learn more

Cracks and Cavities Segmentation in CT Data

Cracks and Cavities Segmentation in CT Data

Recipe (hxrecipe), Data

21 Oct 2019 - This recipe is useful to segment data with cracks, pores, or cavities.  Learn more

Relative Pore Fraction
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Relative Pore Fraction

Recipe (hxrecipe), Demo, Data

16 Oct 2019 - The calculation of a relative pore fraction for each separated grains.  Learn more

Recipe Sequencer

Recipe Sequencer

Recipe (hxrecipe), XPand module, Data

14 Oct 2019 - Module for sequencing a recipe on each individual isolated label from a label field.  Learn more

Berea Pore Size Distribution Tutorial
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Berea Pore Size Distribution Tutorial

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

11 Oct 2019 - Create a semi-automatic workflow for Pore Size Distribution on Berea sandstone.  Learn more

Tutorial: Generate a DVC Mesh of Complex Shapes
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Tutorial: Generate a DVC Mesh of Complex Shapes

Demo, Data

10 Oct 2019 - This tutorial describes how to build a DVC mesh for specimens with complex shapes.  Learn more