The Pawn Expo Trade Show is the largest and most comprehensive trade show in the pawn industry. Spanning two days, this is the place to find the products and services vital to the success of a pawnbroker’s business.
The National Pawnbrokers Association – the show organizer – reports that attendees will find new ways to strengthen their businesses by networking with other pawnbrokers and attending expert sessions. The show encourages using fellow pawnbrokers as resources and in fact, offers a special Pawnbroker Peer Roundtable session where attendees have the opportunity to discuss current pawn topics with their peers and learn best practices from one another.
I’ll be in Booth #205 demonstrating XRF technology. Pawnbrokers see a lot of gold come into their shop. It comes mostly in the form of jewelry, but occasionally a pawnbroker will see coins or even gold dental fillings and crowns. Before a pawnbroker offers cash or loans for those items, they must be valued for their precious metal content. Is it real gold? How many karats? The only way to find out is through testing. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers enable pawnbrokers to find out in just a few seconds the exact precious metal content in jewelry, coins, and other valuable products without destroying them. Some XRF analyzers even alert you to the probability that an item is vermeil (gold-plated silver) or gold-plated copper, or contains steel, tungsten or any other non-gold substrate.
In the spirit of sharing information among fellow pawnbrokers, we’ve invited Seth Gold of American Jewelry and Loan to be in our booth during exhibit hours.
Seth is a fourth generation pawnbroker and reality television personality who was named the 2013 National Pawnbrokers Association Pawnbroker of the Year at last year’s annual meeting and conference.Seth’s nomination stemmed from his tireless commitment to supporting the pawn industry, community outreach, bolstering the association’s charitable giving campaigns, and fostering strong relationships with his community and local leaders.
Seth will sign autographs, but more importantly, he’ll share his knowledge with you.
Stop by Booth #205 to find out appearance times and to get a demonstration of XRF technology. Bring a few pieces of jewelry or other items containing metal, and I’ll analyze them for you at no cost. You’ll know in seconds if they are precious metals or not, and even if they are gold-plated.
Our next article will be written by Seth himself, who will give some advice about the use (more specifically, stopping the use) of acids for testing jewelry.
Show Details:
Pawn Expo
Booth #205 – check schedule for times
July 8-10, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
twitter: @PawnTweet
Wonderful article. Never knew that something like this exists. This post is very informative and I personally found this very useful as I am also related with this industry. After reading this I am excited to join next expo. Thank you for sharing it with us.