Segmentation of agglomerated Ni nanoparticles

Segmentation of agglomerated Ni nanoparticles

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D

24 Aug 2020 - This recipe segments overlapping Ni nanoparticles on a high resolution STEM image. A size distribution of the nanoparticles can also be computed.  Learn more

Segment TEM data without artifact  and background effect

Segment TEM data without artifact and background effect

Recipe (hxrecipe), Tcl, Project (hx, pgo)

10 Jul 2020 - Segment TEM data aided by the Structure enhancement filter.  Learn more

2D SEM  (White) Grain Segmentation

2D SEM (White) Grain Segmentation

Recipe (hxrecipe), Data

21 Oct 2019 - This recipe segments and calculate the physical attributes of the white grains in the 2D SEM image  Learn more

Length Distribution Analysis
Add-on How-to

Length Distribution Analysis

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

21 Oct 2019 - This tutorial demonstrated how to quantify thickness distribution along the length  Learn more

Porosity Clustering Analysis and Distance to Surface
Add-on How-to

Porosity Clustering Analysis and Distance to Surface

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

21 Oct 2019 - This tutorial demonstrates the steps necessary to quantify porosity distribution and perform a pore distance to surface analysis.  Learn more

Feature segmentation for non-uniform illumination and low-contrast images

Feature segmentation for non-uniform illumination and low-contrast images

Recipe (hxrecipe)

17 Oct 2019 - The recipe lets you segment small features on images with non-uniform illumination and low contrast.  Learn more

Different Methods to Measure the Volume of Fibers Generated by XFiber Extension
Add-on How-to

Different Methods to Measure the Volume of Fibers Generated by XFiber Extension

Project (hx, pgo), Demo

16 Oct 2019 - This guideline aims to identify different ways to analyze the volume fraction of fibers traced by the XFiber extension.  Learn more

Tutorial: Generate a DVC Mesh of Complex Shapes
Add-on How-to

Tutorial: Generate a DVC Mesh of Complex Shapes

Demo, Data

10 Oct 2019 - This tutorial describes how to build a DVC mesh for specimens with complex shapes.  Learn more

Parameter optimization for auto-thresholding a data

Parameter optimization for auto-thresholding a data

Python (pyscro), Project (hx, pgo), Data

7 Oct 2019 - In this pyscro example we use opencv and matplotlib to automatically calculate an optimized parameter for thresholding the data based on various metrics.  Learn more

How to use PyQt5 in a pyscro module

How to use PyQt5 in a pyscro module

Python (pyscro)

7 Oct 2019 - This example shows how to use PyQt5 in a pyscro module.  Learn more

Plates in Ti-62222

Plates in Ti-62222

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Data

24 Jul 2019 - FIB Serial Section of Ti-62222  Learn more

Porosity in a Battery Separator

Porosity in a Battery Separator

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Data

26 Jun 2019 - The recipe classifies the pores in a battery separator (SEM image).  Learn more

Porosity in a Polymer Divider

Porosity in a Polymer Divider

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Demo, Data

26 Jun 2019 - The recipe detects pores in a polymer divider (SEM image).  Learn more

Particle Agglomeration

Particle Agglomeration

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D, Data

26 Jun 2019 - The recipe segments particles that are touching each other, and individual ones.  Learn more

Au-Ni-Cl Nanoparticles

Au-Ni-Cl Nanoparticles

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D

25 Jun 2019 - This recipe segments nanoparticles of different element from an EDS map.  Learn more

Polymer Beads

Polymer Beads

Recipe ISP, IVP, A2D

6 Jun 2019 - Segmentation of the particles located in the foreground of the SEM image.  Learn more