Porosity and Permeability by blocks

Porosity and Permeability by blocks


3 Jul 2020 - Splits a binary pore space into blocks and output one porosity and permeability value for every block  Learn more

Random Forests for Multiclass Segmentation using Python API in PerGeos

Random Forests for Multiclass Segmentation using Python API in PerGeos

Python (pyscro), Project (hx, pgo), Data

21 Oct 2019 - Simple demonstration of feature computation where the feature vector contains intensity and 2D eigenvalues (X & Y). This example uses random forests implementation from the sklearn package.  Learn more

Eagleford Shale FIB-SEM Segmentation

Eagleford Shale FIB-SEM Segmentation

Recipe (hxrecipe)

17 Oct 2019 - This recipe guided workflow will result in a 5-phase segmentation applicable to the included dataset and most typical FIB-SEM data. Input Data, the Recipe, Output data are included here.  Learn more

PerGeos TCL script for processing all files in a folder with a recipe

PerGeos TCL script for processing all files in a folder with a recipe


16 Oct 2019 - Process all files in a folder by applying the same recipe to all of them individually.  Learn more

Berea Pore Size Distribution Tutorial
Add-on How-to

Berea Pore Size Distribution Tutorial

Recipe (hxrecipe), Project (hx, pgo), Demo, Data

11 Oct 2019 - Create a semi-automatic workflow for Pore Size Distribution on Berea sandstone.  Learn more