Dr. Koefoed-Nielsen presents data for a patient who had undergone two kidney transplantations, experienced allograft failure soon after receiving a third kidney transplant. With a negative crossmatch and no DSA detected, further investigation was required. Non-HLA autoantibodies can be associated with adverse transplantation outcomes1, so they screened the patient and eight others who experienced similar outcomes for autoantibodies using the One Lambda™ LABScreen™ Autoantibody Group 1 and Group 2 assays. All nine patients had high levels of REG3A, LMNB, PRKCH, GAPDH, HNRNPK, VM, and IFNG autoantibodies, which has been correlated with humoral rejection in kidney and heart transplant recipients.
Pernille Koefoed-Nielsen, MD, PhD
Tissue Typing Laboratory,
Department of Clinical Immunology
Aarhus Universitet Hospital, Denmark
Nov 24, 2021