Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description |
AC3072 | AQUAfast chlorine (total) HR & sodium chlorate reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2002 | AQUAfast alkalinity-m reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC3002P | AQUAfast alkalinity-p reagent tablets, CaCO3, 100 tests |
AC2027 | AQUAfast aluminum reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC4P27 | AQUAfast Aluminum Powder Pack, 100 tests |
AC2012 | AQUAfast ammonia reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2035 | Bromine |
AC2017 | AQUAfast chloride reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2099 | AQUAfast chlorine dioxide reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2071 | AQUAfast chlorine (free) reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2070 | AQUAfast chlorine (free & total) reagent tablets, 50 tests each |
AC2072 | AQUAfast chlorine (total) reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2029 | AQUAfast copper (free & total) reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2065 | AQUAfast zinc reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2098 | AQUAfast cyanuric acid reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC3032C2 | AQUAfast hardness (calcium) LR reagent tablets, Murexide Method, 100 tests |
AC3032C | AQUAfast hardness (calcium) HR reagent tablets, Murexide Method, 100 tests |
AC3032T | AQUAfast hardness (total) reagent tablets, Metallphthalein Method, 100 tests |
AC2030 | AQUAfast hydrazine reagent powder kit, 30 tests |
AC3069 | AQUAfast hydrogen peroxide reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2078 | AQUAfast iron (II & III) reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2055 | AQUAfast manganese reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2007 | AQUAfast nitrate reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2046 | AQUAfast nitrite reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2048 | AQUAfast ozone reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2001 | AQUAfast pH reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC3001BP | AQUAfast ph LR reagent tablets, bromocresol purple, 100 tests |
AC3001TB | AQUAfast pH HR reagent tablets, thymol blue, 100 tests |
AC2095-WA | AQUAfast phosphate (ortho) LR reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2096 | AQUAfast phosphate (ortho) HR reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC3019 | AQUAfast potassium reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2060 | AQUAfast silica reagent tablets, 50 tests |
AC2061 | AQUAfast silica phosphate removal reagent, 100 tablets |
AC2082 | AQUAfast sulfate reagent tablets, 100 tests |
AC2016 | AQUAfast sulfide reagent tablets, 100 tests |
Choose the reagent tablets you need for Orion™ AQUAfast colorimeters and Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ AquaMate Vis and UV-Vis spectrophotometers with Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ AQUAfast II Chemistries Test Kits. These convenient, rapidly dissolving tablets can be precisely added to samples without leaving residual reagent in the packaging and are very stable for long shelf life accessibility. Tablet reagents measure alkalinity, aluminum, ammonia, boron, chloride, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, copper, DEHA, hardness, hydrazine, hydrogen peroxide, iron, manganese, nitrate, nitrite, ozone, pH, phosphate, potassium, silica, sulfate, sulfide and zinc.