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Download a digital copy of more than 20 neurobiology validated protocols for neural stem cell culture and differentiation, cell analysis, molecular characterization, and transfection. Review experimental best practices, and troubleshooting advice designed to get you started with your neurobiology research.
Browse our Neurobiology protocols. You’ll find the protocols below along with the recommended components to build the optimal neural cell culture system for your research experiment.
Click on the protocol name to view the detailed protocol and full list of required materials.
Click on the product name in the right-hand columns to order.
Protocol name | Handbook chapter | Media | Supplement | Cells |
Recovery, culture, and characterization of primary neurons | 3,4 | |||
Creation of neural stem cells from human pluripotent stem cells | 9 | Neural induction supplement | Human PSCs | |
Culturing human neural stem cells | 5 | StemPro NSC SFM media kit (kit includes media, growth factors, and supplement) |
| |
Xeno-free culture of neural stem cells | 8 |
| ||
Differentiating neural stem cells into neurons | 10 | Neural stem cells derived using PSC Neural Induction Medium | ||
Differentiating glial precursor cells into astrocytes and oligodendrocytes | 7 |
| ||
Differentiating PSCs to midbrain dopaminergic neurons | 12 |
| Human PSCs | |
Culturing rat fetal neural stem cells | 6 | StemPro NSC SFM media kit (kit includes media, growth factors, and supplement) | Rat fetal neural stem cells | |
Culture of cortical astrocytes | 13 | Astrocyte Medium (kit includes medium and supplements) | ||
Cryopreserving neural stem cells | 14 |
We understand that there’s more to your experiment than culturing your cells. View the protocols below for experiments beyond neural cell culture.
Click on the protocol name to view the detailed protocol and full list of required materials.
Protocol Name |
Cell Viability Assays for Neural Stem Cells |
Markers for Characterizing Neural Subtypes |
Surface Marker Analysis by Flow Cytometry |
Immunocytochemistry |
Intracellular Calcium Assay using Fluo-4 |
Protocol Name |
PCR Primers for Molecular Characterization of Neural Subtypes |
RNA Isolation and cDNA Preparation from Neural Stem Cells |
Characterizing Neural Cells by qPCR |
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.