
필터 전체 삭제
제품 및 솔루션
리소스 형식
Is there a gold standard for in vitro diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?
EliA Symposium 2023: Dr Aurora Jurado Roger presents a recent study on dsDNA antibody diagnostics and reviews the different technologies available.
UK NEQAS IIA – Hot Topics & Update
EliA Symposium 2023: Dina Patel gives an overview of the educational work of UK NEQAS and explains problem solving with a real world example.
Pro and Con Debate: Time for a change in ANA Screening?
EliA Symposium 2023: Prof Dr Georg Endler and Dr Jan Damoiseaux discuss if it is time for a change in ANA Screening. A Pro/Con Session on the different screening technologies, solid phase assays like the EliA CTD Screen and immunofluorescence tests with HEp2 cells.
Follow up on the 2019 EULAR/ACR Classification Criteria for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
EliA Symposium 2023: Prof Dr Reinhard Voll explains the evolvement of the SLE classification criteria over the last decades and highlights the follow-up studies to validate the 2019 SLE classification criteria.
CTD patient cases, a report from the clinical routine
EliA Symposium 2023: Dr Silvia Piantoni highlights the importance of serology in four clinical cases of patients with Connective Tissue Diseases.
Strategies for ANA detection
EliA Symposium 2023: Prof Dr Xavier Bossuyt describes the different technologies for ANA detection. He focusses on the differences between Solid-phase assays and Indirect immunofluorescence and reviews the available performance data of the individual tests and the combination of both tests.
Connective Tissue Diseases … other than SLE
EliA Symposium 2023: Prof Dr Ulrich Walker describes the clinical presentation of connective tissue diseases and the value of autoimmune serology in the aid of diagnosis.
Value-added reporting in autoimmune serology
EliA Symposium 2023: Dr Lieve van Hoovels explains the value of likelihood ratios in the reporting of autoimmune serology results. Dr van Hoovels uses several examples like ANA, ANCA and ACPA testing to illustrate the value for clinicians.
Alpha-Gal Component Interpretation Guide
Respiratory Results Interpretation Guide
Pet Allergy Interpretation Guide
Peanut Allergy Interpretation Guide
Milk Allergy Interpretation Guide
Egg Allergy Interpretation Guide
Wheat Allergy Interpretation Guide
Stinging Insect Components Interpretation Guide
Food Allergy Interpretation Guide
Tryptase Interpretation Guide
Wheat Interpretation Guide
Milk Allergy Interpretation Guide
Pet Allergy Interpretation Guide
Egg Allergy Interpretation Guide
Food Allergy Interpretation Guide
Celiac Disease Testing
Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Testing
Peanut Allergy Interpretation Guide
LR in rheumatoid arthritis: practical application.
16th Dresden Symposium on autoantibodies: Dr. Lieve Van Hoovels explores the issue of the lack of standardization between rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies tests in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. She highlights the impact this problem has on accurately classifying RA patients. Given that reference materials alone are insufficient to address this unmet need, she discusses how likelihood ratios can provide additional value.
LR in autoimmune diagnostics and beyond. Personal experience with LR in practice.
16th Dresden Symposium on autoantibodies: Prof. Xavier Bossuyt discusses the benefits of using interval-specific likelihood ratios (LR) to harmonize assay results and improve clinical interpretation. He shares his own experiences and highlights feedback from clinicians who have already incorporated LR into their daily practice.
Current landscape of LR: General use of LR in diagnosing currently and future rheumatoid arthritis.
16th Dresden Symposium on autoantibodies: Prof. Kevin Deane provides insights on the practical applications of Likelihood Ratios (LR) in both primary and secondary care settings. He emphasizes the value of LR in not only diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis but also in predicting it at an early stage.
Likelihood ratio in autoimmune diagnostics: Perspectives from a diagnostic manufacturer.
16th Dresden Symposium on autoantibodies: Nina Olschowka explains why it is important for a diagnostic manufacturer to encourage laboratory specialists to report likelihood ratios. As patient advocates, we support any tool that makes the most of our test results and helps to improve autoimmune disease diagnosis.
花粉症の対策や花粉- 食物アレルギー症候群(PFAS)の発症機序や対策、関連する花粉の飛散時期や写真を一つにした表を掲載しており、患者さんへの説明や指導にご使用いただけます。
ImmunoCAP Allergen-Profile
Indikationsbezogene Allergiediagnostik
Value-added reporting in autoimmune serology
Educational webinar. Prof. Xavier Bossuyt discusses the challenges in autoimmune serology testing and introduces likelihood ratios as a tool to overcome these challenges. The webinar covers fundamental concepts of likelihood ratios and provides guidance on implementing LR reporting in clinical practice.
Biomarkers of wheat-related disorders: hot topics and areas of research
The company-sponsored symposium about “Biomarkers of wheat-related disorders” held at the 19th International Celiac Disease Symposium, ICDS, Sorrento, Italy, October 21st, 2022.
Le malattie autoimmuni tra clinica e laboratorio. Maggiori fattori d’impatto sull’accuratezza diagnostica
Il Dott. Nicola Bizzaro illustra i principali algoritmi diagnostici per le patologie autoimmuni sistemiche e la fondamentale importanza di sensibilità e specificità clinica dei singoli test.
EAACI guidelines on the diagnosis of IgE-mediated food allergy – Meet the Experts!
Listen to Prof. Santos and Dr. Riggioni talking about the latest EAACI guidelines, published in October 2023: expert insights, practical recommendations, and real clinical cases for accurate diagnosis of IgE-mediated food allergy and patient-tailored treatment
Rizikové alergeny červeného masa, MUDr. Martin Fuchs
Praktický přístup k alergiím na červené maso a alergie na Alfa-Gal
Get the full picture of your asthma patients
The asthma and allergy connection.
The full picture of allergy relief in primary care
See how general practitioners, like you, can get the full picture of your patient's allergic rhinitis symptoms.
Do you have the full picture?
Five common misconceptions general physicians and pediatricians may have about allergies.
Upper respiratory symptoms card
Is an ImmunoCAP Specific IgE blood test appropriate? Know which symptoms and patient history to look for.
Get the full picture of upper respiratory symptoms
Four reasons why identifying specific allergen sensitizations is important in primary care.
Quick guide to using ImmunoCAP Specific IgE testing
Get the full picture of your patients’ allergy triggers. See how to confidently order, interpret, and apply ImmunoCAP Specific IgE blood tests to get the full picture.
Get the full picture of upper respiratory symptoms
Four reasons why identifying specific allergen sensitizations is important in primary care.
Get the full picture of your asthma patients
The asthma and allergy connection.
Upper respiratory symptom card
Is an ImmunoCAP Specific IgE blood test appropriate? Know which symptoms and patient history to look for.
Quick guide to using ImmunoCAP Specific IgE testing
Get the full picture of your patients’ allergy triggers. See how to confidently order
The full picture of allergy relief in primary care
See how general practitioners
Do you have the full picture?
Five common misconceptions general physicians and pediatricians may have about allergies.
Allergiebehandlung beim Hausarzt
Erfahren Sie, wie Allgemeinmediziner wie Sie sich ein umfassendes Bild von den Symptomen der allergischen Rhinitis Ihres Patienten machen können.
Sehen Sie das vollständige Bild?
Fünf häufige Missverständnisse, die Allgemeinmediziner und Kinderärzte über Allergien haben können.
Symptome der oberen Atemwege
Ist ein ImmunoCAP spezifisches IgE Bluttest hilfreich? Erfahren Sie bei welchen Symptomen und für welche Patienten der Test weiterhilft.
Verschaffen Sie sich ein vollständiges Bild bei allergischen Symptomen der oberen Atemwege
Vier Gründe, warum die Bestimmung der Allergensensibilisierung beim Hausarzt wichtig ist
Kurzanleitung zum Einsatz von ImmunoCAP spezifischen IgE-Tests
Machen Sie sich ein umfassendes Bild von den Allergieauslösern Ihrer Patienten. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie ImmunoCAP Bluttests auf spezifisches IgE sicher anfordern, interpretieren und anwenden können, um ein vollständiges Bild zu erhalten.
Verschaffen Sie sich ein umfassendes Bild von Ihren Asthmapatienten
Die Verbindung von Asthma und Allergie
Obtenga una imagen completa de sus pacientes con asma
La conexión entre el asma y la alergia.
¿Tiene la imagen completa?
Cinco conceptos erróneos comunes que los médicos generales y los pediatras pueden tener sobre las alergias.
La imagen completa del alivio de la alergia en la atención primaria
Vea cómo los médicos generales, como usted, pueden obtener una imagen completa de los síntomas de la rinitis alérgica de su paciente.
Guía rápida para el uso de la prueba de IgE específica ImmunoCAP
Obtenga una imagen completa de los desencadenantes de alergia de sus pacientes. Vea cómo solicitar, interpretar y aplicar con confianza los análisis de sangre de IgE específica ImmunoCAP para obtener una imagen completa.
Obtenga una imagen completa de los síntomas de las vías respiratorias superiores
Cuatro razones por las que es importante identificar sensibilizaciones a alérgenos específicos en atención primaria.
Tarjeta de síntomas de las vías respiratorias superiores
¿Es apropiado un análisis de sangre de IgE específica ImmunoCAP? Sepa qué síntomas y antecedentes del paciente debe tener en cuenta.
Faites la lumière sur les symptômes respiratoires
Un test sanguin d'IgE spécifiques ImmunoCAP est-il approprié ? Connaître les symptômes et l'histoire clinique du patient à rechercher
Avez-vous toutes les informations ?
Quatre doutes couramment exprimés par les médecins généralistes et les pédiatres concernant le diagnostic des allergies
Approfondissez l'investigation de vos patients asthmatiques
Le lien entre l'asthme et l'allergie
Guide pratique d'utilisation des IgE spécifiques ImmunoCAP
Mieux comprendre les symptômes d'allergie présumés de vos patients
Lumière sur la prise en charge des maladies allergiques en médecine générale
Découvrez comment obtenir une vision complète des symptômes de rhinite allergique
Card dei sintomi delle vie respiratorie superiori
Quali pazienti manifestano sintomi e presentano un’anamnesi tali da poter prendere in considerazione i test ematici delle IgE specifiche ImmunoCAP?
Ottieni un quadro più completo dei sintomi delle vie respiratorie superiori
Quattro ragioni per cui l'identificazione della sensibilizzazione allergene-specifica è importante già a livello del medico di famiglia.
La gestione delle malattie allergiche nell’ambulatorio del medico di famiglia
Scopri come i medici di famiglia possono ottenere un quadro più completo dei sintomi dei pazienti con rinite allergica.
Guida rapida all'utilizzo dei test delle IgE specifiche ImmunoCAP
Ottieni un quadro più completo dei sospetti sintomi allergici dei pazienti. Scopri come selezionare, utilizzare ed interpretare con sicurezza i test ematici delle IgE specifiche ImmunoCAP™ per ottenere un quadro più completo.
Ottieni un quadro più completo dei tuoi pazienti asmatici
La connessione tra asma e allergia.
Rhinitis Clinical Pathway - Setting the standard
思わず目で追ってしまう迷路イラストから身の回りのアレルゲンや症状についてイラストや写真で紹介しています。​ 待合室などに掲示いただけます。
Tree Nut Allergy Interpretation Guide
2023 ImmunoDiagnostics Product catalog
Thermo Fisher Scientific is a leading provider of IVD tests for allergy and autoimmune diseases.
Tree Nut Allergy Interpretation Guide
Sesame Allergy Interpretation Guide
Sesame Allergy Interpretation Guide
Antiphospholipid Syndrome Interpretation Guide
Actualités en allergologie moléculaire : 3000 espèces de poissons… et combien d’allergènes ?
Le Docteur Martine Morisset présentera une synthèse des connaissances actuelles sur les allergènes de poisson, pour répondre de façon très pratique à vos questions et vous guider dans le bon usage des tests d’IgE spécifiques
Faites la lumière sur les symptômes des voies respiratoires supérieures
Quatre raisons pour lesquelles l'identification des sensibilisations allergèniques est importante en médecine générale.
Do you have the full picture?
Five common misconceptions general physicians and pediatricians may have about allergies.
The full picture of allergy relief in primary care
See how general practitioners, like you, can get the full picture of your patient's allergic rhinitis symptoms.
Get the full picture of upper respiratory symptoms
Four reasons why identifying specific allergen sensitizations is important in primary care.
High specificity of EliA dsDNA
Combination of IFA with EliA CTD Screen increases the diagnostic value of ANA screening
RF Isotypes add value to routine diagnostics
L’allergie au cannabis : exploration du profil de réactivité moléculaire
Au cours de cette session, le Professeur Didier Ebo, vous permettra de découvrir : Les allergies liées à Cannabis sativa et son rôle dans différentes situations cliniques, Le lien entre le cannabis et l'allergie aux fruits
Recommandations de prise en charge de l’asthme : pourquoi le bilan allergologique est-il incontournable ?
Au cours de cette session, le Professeur Alain Didier, pneumologue-allergologue, directeur du Pôle Voies Respiratoires du CHU de Toulouse, vous permettra de mieux comprendre : Le rôle de l’allergie dans le contrôle de l’asthme, La place et le choix des tests sanguins d’IgE spécifiques dans le bilan allergologique, La conduite à tenir en fonction des résultats
Phénotypes de l’allergie alimentaire : ce que nous apprend l’allergologie moléculaire
Au cours de cette session, le Docteur Guillaume Lezmi vous aidera à comprendre : le lien entre phénotypes de l’allergie alimentaire et sensibilisations allergéniques moléculaires l’intérêt en pratique d’évaluer les sensibilisations multiples pour prédire le risque clinique.
Go Molecular! Part 1: The basics
A clinical reference guide to molecular allergy
ImmunoCAP Cross-Reactivity Map
Tem a imagem completa?
Cinco principais conceitos errôneos e comuns que os clínicos gerais e pediatras podem ter sobre as alergias.
Tenha uma visão completa dos sintomas das vias respiratórias superiores
Quatro motivos que mostram porquê é importante identificar as sensibilizações a alérgenos específicos em atenção primária.
Cartão de sintomas das vias respiratórias superiores
Um teste de sangue de IgE específica ImmunoCAP é apropriado? Saiba quais sintomas e histórico do paciente deve levar em conta.
Guia rápido para uso de teste de IgE específica ImmunoCAP
Tenha uma visão completa dos desencadeantes de alergia de seus pacientes. Veja como solicitar, interpretar e aplicar com confiança os testes ImmunoCAP para obter uma imagem completa.
Uma visão completa do alívio da alergia na atenção primária
Veja como especialistas podem obter uma imagem completa dos sintomas da rinite alérgica de seu paciente.
Tenha uma imagem completa de seus pacientes com asma
A conexão entre asma e alergia.
The timely approach to aeroallergen sensitization

Allergic asthma eLearning interactive video for Allergy Specialists

ImmunoCAP Rapid Child: Patientenbroschüre
In dieser Broschüre finden Sie Hintergrundinformationen zu den einzelnen getesteten Allergenen und Tipps, wie Sie diese bestmöglich meiden können.
Viewアレルギー39 オプション検査のご提案リーフレット
Viewアレルギー39 ニュースレター(2021年)
潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)病態把握の補助のために 私はこう使う
炎症性腸疾患(IBD)の診断補助のために 私はこう使う
自己免疫疾患診断薬 エリア ご紹介リーフレット
自己免疫疾患診断薬 エリアの国内外での採用実績や製品の特長およびラインナップについて紹介しています。
アレルゲンコンポーネント Gly m 4(大豆由来)
Gly m 4の活用例を掲載したリーフレットです。 「春季の花粉症患者さんにおける大豆アレルギー合併リスク判定のためのフローチャート」を掲載しております。
英語版 患者さん向けポスター 「通年ポスター」
通年ポスターの英語版をご用意しました。先生方からのご要望もありPDFデータを準備いたしました。​ 思わず目で追ってしまう迷路イラストからアレルゲンの症状や紙媒体イラストや写真で紹介しています。​ 紙媒体でのご用意はございませんのでダウンロードいただきご活用いただけますと幸いです。
アレルゲンコンポーネントJug r 1(クルミ由来)・Ana o 3(カシューナッツ由来)
アレルゲンコンポーネントJug r 1(クルミ由来)およびAna o 3(カシューナッツ由来)の活用例をご紹介しています。判定フローチャートの目安を掲載しています。
Viewアレルギー39 ホームページ用画像データのご案内リーフレット
2023年3月18日に実施しました共催セミナー 『食物アレルギー診療における特異的IgE抗体検査の正しい使い方』 の内容を一部抜粋してご紹介いたします
L’approche opportune de la sensibilization aux aéroallergène

Vidéo interactive d'apprentissage en ligne sur l'asthme allergique pour les spécialistes en pneumo-allergologie

Die Sensibilisierung gegen Aeroallergene frühzeitig erkennen und behandeln

Interaktives E-Learning-Video über allergisches Asthma für Allergologen

L’approccio tempestivo alla sensibilizzazione agli aeroallergeni

Video interattivo di eLearning sull'asma allergico per gli Specialisti Allergologi

El enfoque adecuado para concienciarse sobre los alérgenos

Vídeo interactivo de eLearning sobre asma alérgica dirigido a especialistas en alergias

Allergy & Autoimmunity Test Codes and Profile Recommendations Reference Guide
Helios Automated IFA System Detailer
All-in-one IFA solution to aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Expand the scope of your laboratory’s autoimmune diagnostic solutions with fully automated processing and review of results.
EAACI 2024
Watch the full recording of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s symposium at EAACI 2024. Prof Graham Roberts interviews Prof Ania Nowak-Wegrzyn and Prof Joana Vitte on their insights on food allergy diagnostics. The questions are highlighting EAACI guideline recommendations, allergy testing using whole allergens, allergen components and tryptase in difficult cases as well as discussions on low levels, decision points and future gazing for new allergen components around the corner.
Phadia™ Lab Systems Study - Geisinger Medical Center Workflow Analysis
Improving laboratory workflow efficiency for autoimmune and allergic disease testing.
Phadia™ workflow analysis program
Phadia™s Workflow Analysis program provides an evaluation of the current state of diagnostic testing within the laboratory using observations, quantitative measurements, qualitative interviews, and data analysis.
Klinisch relevant. Klinisch validiert. Klinisch aufschlussreich.
Wichtige Hinweise zur Zˆliakieserologie
Denken Sie an diese Empfehlungen der deutschen Leitlinie bevor Sie auf zöliakiespezifische Antikörper testen.
EliA CCP und RF Tests: Informationen für Kliniker
Vergleichsdaten verschiedener CCP/ACPA Tests und der Mehrwert der RF-Isotypenbestimmung zur Diagnose- und Therapieunterstützung bei Rheumatoider Arthritis.
EliA CCP und RF Tests: Informationen für Laborexperten
Vergleichsdaten verschiedener CCP/ACPA Tests und der Mehrwert der RF-Isotypenbetimmung gegenüber herkömmlichen Verfahren zur Diagnoseunterstützung bei Rheumatoider Arthritis.
EliA CTD Screen: Informationen für Kliniker
Für ein klinisch aussagekräftiges Screening auf Kollagenosen.
EliA SARS-CoV-2-Sp1 IgG test
An assay designed to support global efforts to understand the COVID-19 pandemic: EliA SARS-CoV-2-Sp1 IgG test
Misura la triptasi due volte Infografica
Materiali che spiegano l'importanza di misurare la triptasi in fase acuta ogni volta che si sospetta una reazione allergica grave
ImmunoCAPô Specific IgE Blood Testing
Simplify allergy management in primary carewith the most widely used specific IgE blood test.
EliA APS tests
Identify antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with EliA APS tests.
Wolfgang Papisch: Methods used for CTD Screening and algorithms
Allergen Microarray Patient Case Investigations
spotlight on allergen microarray. ‘Bottom Up’ diagnostic investigations or ‘Top Down’? What’s best and how are these approaches used in resolving patient allergy using ImmunoCAP™ ISACE112i?
Living with allergy - nuts
A confirmed diagnosis of allergy to nuts means that you will need to avoid all nuts. Although peanuts belong to a different food family, unless you are specifically told otherwise, they too should...
Molecular Allergology series - Milk, egg, and wheat allergy
Milk, egg, and wheat, are all frequently causing adverse reactions in small children. Our focus will be on clinical and diagnostic value of IgE testing for milk-, egg-, and wheat proteins, including prognosis.
EliA DFS70 Test
Discover fully automated test designed for identifying samples that contain DFS70 antibodies. Testing for anti-DFS70 can aid in clinical decision making. ​
Living with allergy - cow's milk
An allergy to cow’s milk involves the immune system and affects about 2 children in 100. Happily, about half the affected children will outgrow it by the age of one and by three years most children...
Living with allergy - fish and shellfish
Allergies to fish and shellfish are quite common and different to one another – people who are allergic to shellfish may be able to eat fish and vice versa. There is a risk of cross contamination.
Pollen season allergies and pollen food syndrome - diagnosis and diagnostic
Primary care perspective of clinical diagnosis management, and why knowing what sIgE tests to order may be a hurdle to testing.
Living with allergy - Wheat
A confirmed diagnosis of allergy to wheat means that all wheat basedfoods and products made from wheat should be avoided, this will include many common foods and ingredients.
Allergy Asthma Guide
Allergens are a major trigger in asthma. Up to 90% of Children and 60% of Adults with asthma are sensitive to at lease one specific allergen.
Jens Vikse: Autoantibodies in systemic sclerosis and idiopathic inflammatory myopathies a clinical perspective
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE Sesame Seed Allergen Component Compendium
Specific IgE testing to Ses i 1 can aid in improving the diagnosis of sesame allergy
Living with allergy - eggs
Being allergic to eggs means following an egg-free diet. Egg is found in many foods including biscuits, cakes, pasta and other manufactured foods. While you should always check food labels, it may...
ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray user video: Dr. Olga Luengo part 1
Short interview where Dr. Luengo describes through some clinical cases the utility of the ratio analysis and what type of patients could benefit from ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray and ImmunoCAP specific IgE tests.
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE Wheat Components Interpretation guide
Testing with whole allergen and allergen components provides additional information that can help diagnose allergy more precisely, allowing for a more comprehensive management plan.
Introducing Tryptase: Mast cell marker from anaphylaxis to mastocytosis
A general overview of the protein tryptase and its role in different clinical conditions, like adverse allergic reactions, mastocytosis, clonal mast cell disorders or hereditary -tryptasemia.
Diagnostic Journey of an IBD patient
The diagnosis of IBD with the patient perspective in mind.
New insights into the laboratory’s role in the diagnosis of allergic disease
Learn about the importance of quantitative assessment of specific IgE (sIgE), dynamics of specific IgE over time, prediction of allergic diseases and the importance of multisensitization.
ANCA Testing in Clinical Practice
ANCA Testing in Clinical Practice - From Implementation to Quality Control and Harmonization
Phadia 250 16-position sample rack
The new 16-position sample rack increases loading capacity of the Phadia™ 250 instrument and extends walk away time.
EliA™ Stool Extraction Buffer plus Launch
EliA™ Calprotectin 2 test: new stool extraction buffer’ will highlight the benefits of a new stool extraction procedure
EliA Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) tests
Identify antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with EliA APS tests​.
ImmunoCAPô Rapidô patient resource
This brochure is intended to be given to patients that have been tested with ImmunoCAP Rapid. It provides background information on every allergen tested, and tips on how to avoid them.
Rheumatoid arthritis testing
Learn more about EliA tests available to aid rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. Combining ACPA/ anti-CCP, RF IgM and RF IgA testing to increase diagnostic confidence in early RA patients.
EliA SmDP-S test
Discover more about Sm antibodies, which belong to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) classification criteria. EliA SmDP -S has been developed with an innovative coating to reach specificity of 98.3%.
Diagnosis and treatment of APS
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a systemic autoimmune disease
Allergic Hypersensitivity
Check out our guide for testing allergic hypersensitivity - an adverse exaggerated immune reaction to a protein (or allergen) in our environment, normally harmless to the non-allergic person.
Phadia 250™ instrument hints and tips
Maintenance tips Troubleshooting post-maintenance Recognising possible causes of calibration failure
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE Sesame Seed Allergen Component Interpretation guide
Testing with whole allergen and allergen components provides additional information that can help diagnose allergy more precisely, allowing for a more comprehensive management plan.
Short video Professor David Sanders and a non- biopsy approach to adult coeliac disease
Discusses a recently published study into a non-biopsy approach to the diagnosis of coeliac disease in adults.
Recapture the asthma allergy connection
Up to 90% children and 60% adults with asthma have underlying allergies​. Don’t miss out on this connection in your patients, recapture it with ImmunoCAP.
Food allergy prevalence
Regional variation of the most common food allergies in Europe Allergen component mapping Emerging food allergies Different diagnostics tools, allergen screening tests and their relevance
Integration of in vitro test results for aid in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic patients
Learn about the concept of IgE ratio calculation in the context of allergology, how ratios help to identify allergens underlying clinical manifestations, and how to implement it in diagnostic algorithms.
Advancements in nut and seed allergy diagnostics
Recent clinical studies that explored the use of Ses i 1 2S albumin, an important risk marker for sesame allergy
Order information for ImmunoCAPô Allergen f449
Order information for ImmunoCAP™ Allergen f449
EliA test algorithms
Comprehensive overview of test algorithms to support autoimmunity diagnostics with focus on EliA™ tests.
FDA Cleared Component Menu
A summary sheet of our component test menu.
ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray user video: Dr. Olga Luengo part 2
Short interview where Dr. Luengo shows the utility of ImmunoCAP tests in the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases through case studies.
ImmunoCAPô Rapid product overview
ImmunoCAP Rapid is a quick and user-friendly point-of-care test that provides results in 20 minutes. The test supports you in the decision to rule in or rule out allergy.
Phadia 250 System Detailer
Phadia 250 Laboratory System.
Johan Rönnelid: Harmonization or standardization of autoantibody measurements in connective tissue diseases
Determination of Autoantibody isotypes in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Publication on the performance of different isotypes of established and novel serologic marker in Rheumatoid Arthritis referred to in poster “1664 Multi-variate approach including serology..."
Tryptase Update 2022: levels explained + other clinical essentials
Learn more on the different clinical use of serum tryptase levels, the development of percentiles, disease areas and clinical adaption of tryptase assessment in daily routine.
Tryptase Online Seminar: Special Focus Venom Allergies and Venom Immunotherapy
Learn about the role of tryptase measurements in venom allergic individuals, how a temporary or persistent increase of tryptase can affect patient management, and what guidelines currently recommend.
EliA Stool Extraction Kit plus
Easy and fast sample extraction without centrifugation. To be used with EliA™ Calprotectin 2 test to measure calprotectin in human stool as an aid in the clinical diagnosis of IBD.
ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray expert video: Professor Walter Canonica
Dr. Canonica talks about the use of ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray in his daily clinical practice
Molecular Allergology series - From sensitisation to symptoms
This lecture does not relate to any specific allergen or type of exposure. It gives an introduction of basic immunology in relation to IgE mediated allergy and the principles of molecular allergology.
Measure Tryptase Twice Backgrounder
The importance of measuring tryptase in the acute setting whenever a severe allergic reaction is suspected.
Measure Tryptase Twice Infographic
The importance of measuring tryptase in the acute setting whenever severe allergic reaction is suspected.
ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray user video: Dr. Enrico Scala
Short interview on the clinical benefits and features of ImmunoCAP ISAC microarray
EliA Stool Extraction Kit 2 tube
Learn more about optimized stool extraction procedure for EliA Calprotectin 2 test​.
Marco Schreurs: A review of anti-dsDNA test specificity in SLE
Improved sesame allergy diagnosis with Ses i 1
Component-resolved diagnostics in food allergy: Improved sesame allergy diagnosis with Ses i 1 - Scientific Backgrounder
LTP- sensitisation and cannabis allergy: what's the link
Join Professor Ebo in this webinar to find a link between LTP-sensitisation and cannabis allergy
ANCA testing in Clinical Practice: From Implementation to Quality Control and Harmonisation
ANCA testing in clinical practice..
United Airway: Knowing the connection between diagnostics, allergy and patient management
Learn about the concept of united airway, rhinitis and asthma, and which aero allergens trigger respiratory diseases. Multi-sensitization, allergen load and exposure reduction will also be discussed.
Phadia 1000 System Detailer
Phadia 1000 System Overview.
EliA M2 test
Flexible and automated testing for PBC with EliA M2 test
ImmunoCAPô ISAC assay product overview
The ImmunoCAP ISAC assay is the clinically proven solution for investigating puzzling allergies. Clinically relevant, clinically validated and clinically proven test covering 112 allergen components.
An introduction to CE marking of IVD devices under EU IVDR
The objective is to bring you more clarity on what this regulation entails and and how we have ensured continued compliance of our IVD products.
ImmunoCAPô Tryptase - mastocytosis
Learn more about how ImmunoCAP Tryptase can help to rule in or out systemic mastocytosis and guide VIT treatment.
Diagnosing celiac disease and improving quality of life
Go molecular! Part 2: The allergen components
A clinical reference guide to molecular allergy
Integration of in vitro test results for aid in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic patients
Learn about the concept of ratio calculation in the context of allergology, how ratios help to identify allergens underlying clinical manifestations, and how to implement it in diagnostic algorithms.
From Bananas to Biologicals – Coeliac disease in the 21st Century
The history of Coeliac Disease and development of key diagnostic elements
In Vitro Serum Specific-IgE Testing Alone Reduces Healthcare Utilization
Author: Rick Shrouds, MD, Medical Director of Molina Healthcare, South Carolina
Living with allergy - Soy
Soy is a protein made from soybeans. A soy allergy is relatively rare compared to milk and chicken egg allergies. Fortunately, children are more likely to outgrow a soy allergy.
Hereditary α-Tryptasemia (HαT): What clinicians need to know to improve allergy diagnosis and patient management
Learn more about HαT, which has been shown to increase the frequency and severity of anaphylaxis in specific settings, including insect stings and patients without identifiable causes for anaphylaxis
ImmunoCAPô Tryptase - insect venom allergy
Learn more about how ImmunoCAP Tryptase can help support the clinical assessment of insect venom allergy, need fort therapy and guide venom immunotherapy (VIT) treatment.
Anti-dsDNA testing specificity for systemic lupus erythematosus - A systematic review
Join Dr. Marco Schreurs in his assessment of the available dsDNA tests to guide choice and interpretation of the optimal anti-dsDNA test strategy, fitting into the 2019 EULAR/ACR criteria for SLE.
Molecular Allergology series - Peanut, tree-nuts and seeds
Molecular allergology provides serological markers to peanut and hazelnut allergy,allowing to discriminate between genuine food allergy, and cross reactions driven by pollen allergy.
Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin
Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin scientific backgrounder. In this document it is explained all the information regarding EDN and its relation to diseases in children and adults.
Reduce Asthma Care Gaps
A guide on how to reduce the care gap for patients suffering from asthma.
EliA LMK-1 test
Discover flexible and automated testing for Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) type 2 with EliA LKM-1 test. Test enables the clinician to improve patients' quality of life.​
Toward Earlier Diagnosis Using Combined eHealth Tools in Rheumatology
Publication referred to in our poster "1692 Joint pain assessment scoring tool"
Molecular allergology insights 2022 - Idiopathic anaphylaxis - what do we know about the unknown?
Idiopathic anaphylaxis refers to episodes of unexplainable or spontaneous anaphylaxis. With a thorough diagnostic workup including molecular allergy serology, many of these cases can be explained.
Molecular Allergology series - Pollen allergy
This covers the cause of the most widespread allergic manifestation; rhinitis. The focus is on molecular allergology, IgE towards different protein families in pollens.
A quick overview of the full recommendations for anyone short on time or in need of a refresher
LTP syndrome in Northern Europe – ‘What is this and how to diagnose and manage it'
How is it diagnosed in the clinic and how can it be managed?
EliA Stool Exraction Kit
Customer Excellence Center Information (UK & Ireland)
Misura la triptasi due volte Backgrounder
Materiali che spiegano l'importanza di misurare la triptasi in fase acuta ogni volta che si sospetta una reazione allergica grave
Søren Jacobssen: Autoimmune connective tissue diseases and biomarkers in everyday life
The Allergy and Asthma Task Force Recommendations
Authors: Barbara P. Yawn, MD, MSc, FAAFP; Christine W. Wagner, APRN, MSN, AE-C; Allan Luskin, MD; Len Fromer, MD, FAAFP; Randall Brown, MD, MPH; Andrew Liu, MD; AE-C; Michael D. Cabana, MD, MPH; Ivor
Choose ImmunoCAPô Specific IgE
The worldwide gold standard in in vitro diagnostics.
ICA 2021 Plenary Session Summary COVID-19
秋に抗原量が増加するアレルゲンやアレルゲンの特徴、秋の花粉症に関連する花粉- 食物アレルギー症候群(PFAS)について掲載しております。
How labs and primary care can work together in diagnosing coeliac disease
Why are so many coeliac disease tests requested? How can the lab proactively help to find “hidden” patients? What does the new primary care guidance mean for the diagnostic pathway of coeliac disease?
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE Wheat Components Compendium
ImmunoCAP menu offers one whole allergen wheat extract test and three allergen component tests. These tests help assess risk for severe reaction and may improve patient management by facilitating tailored avoidance recommendations
エリア カルプロテクチン 2 ご紹介動画
イムノキャップ特異的IgG 鳥 ご紹介動画
動画配信 喘息診療への新たなアプローチ 新しい検査「Asp f 1」の活用法
2021年保険適用の吸入系アレルゲンコンポーネント「Asp f 1」の日常診療での活用法を解説しています。
イムノキャップ ラピッド アレルゲン8 ご紹介動画
イムノキャップ ラピッド アレルゲン8 について1分でご紹介いたします。
第108回日本消化器病学会総会ランチョンセミナー「実践! 便中カルプロテクチン検査―潰瘍性大腸炎・クローン病の診断補助とモニタリング―」のセミナー動画です。
イムノキャップアレルゲンコンポーネントAsp f 1 ご紹介動画
Der lästige Heuschnupfen Wie Sie Ihre allergischen Patienten jetzt richtig diagnostizieren
Jedes Jahr kämpfen viele Patienten mit Pollenallergien. Unsere Expertin erklärt, warum es wichtig ist Heuschnupfen nicht zu unterschätzen und wie Sie der Ursache dafür auf den Grund gehen können.
ImmunoCAP Allergen Pfirsich Testalgorithmus
Erweiterte Testung mit ImmunoCAP Allergenkomponenten-Tests
EliA Stool Extraction Kit plus
Einfache und schnelle Probenextraktion ohne Zentrifugation zur Verwendung mit dem EliA™ Calprotectin 2 Test. Messen Sie Calprotectin in humanem Stuhl zur Unterstützung der klinische Diagnose von CED.
Warum kann es mit der Anamnese allein schwierig sein, die auslösenden Allergien zu finden?
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Kleine-Tebbe, Allergie- und Asthma-Zentrum Westend in Berlin gibt Hilfestellung für Hausärzte zur Behandlung von Allergien und Asthma.
Update S3-Leitlinie: Diagnostische Vorgehensweise bei Verdacht auf Reizdarmsyndrom
Herr Professor Raithel gibt Ihnen einen Einblick, wie Sie Diagnosesicherheit bei Verdacht auf ein Reizdarmsyndrom erhalten und welche Differenzialdiagnostik entscheidend ist.
ImmunoCAP ECP bei Asthma
ECP-Bestimmung zur Einschätzung des Entzündungsgrad der Atemwege bei Asthma-Patienten
EliA Produktliste
Klinisch relevante Tests bei Autoimmunerkrankungen auf vollautomatisierten Laborsystemen.
ImmunoCAPô Tryptase - sever reactions to drugs during surgery
Learn more about how ImmunoCAP Tryptase can help explain the severe reactions occurred during surgery and anesthesia.
Wann besteht der Verdacht auf eine Nahrungsmittelallergie?
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Kleine-Tebbe, Allergie- und Asthma-Zentrum Westend in Berlin gibt Hilfestellung für Hausärzte zur Behandlung von Allergien und Asthma.
ImmunoCAP™ ISAC Test und Komponentendiagnostik: klinische Fälle
14. Wiener Komponentenschule 2022: Prof. Dr. Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier erläutert an Hand klinischer Fälle den Nutzen der Multiplex-Komponentenanalyse
ImmunoCAP ISAC Video
Rätselhafte Allergien? Finden Sie die Antwort.
Der Aufwand lohnt sich: Fälle aus der klinischen Praxis
In diesem Seminar wird eine Reihe spezieller allergologische Fallstudien präsentiert, welche den praktischen Nutzen der Komponentendiagnostik aufzeigen.
Allergiediagnostik in der Grundversorung - Diagnostik von Inhalationsallergien
Diagnostik von Inhalationsallergien
Zusammenfassung der Session "PS26 - Novelties in Systemic Sclerosis" präsentiert am virtuellen 12th International Congress on Autoimmunity 2021
ICA-Zusammenfassung "Das komplexe Zusammenspiel von COVID-19 mit verschiedenen Autoantikörpern"
Zusammenfassung der Plenary-Session "Covid-19" präsentiert am virtuellen 12th International Congress on Autoimmunity 2021
Bestimmen Sie den Tryptase-Wert zweimal Infografik
Infografik zur Erklärung der Wichtigkeit einer Tryptase-Bestimmung in der Akutmedizin bei Verdacht auf eine schwere allergische Reaktion
Asiatische Hornisse
Neues Allergen für Forschungszwecke
Allergie: Pathomechanismus, Diagnose und Therapie
In diesem Seminar gibt Prof. Rudolf Valenta einen Überblick über allergische Erkrankungen, von der Pathogenese über die Diagnostik bis zur Therapie.
Welche Allergene sind bei Verdacht auf eine Nahrungsmittelallergie am wichtigsten zu testen?
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Kleine-Tebbe, Allergie- und Asthma-Zentrum Westend in Berlin gibt Hilfestellung für Hausärzte zur Behandlung von Allergien und Asthma.
Diagnostik und Management des allergischen Asthma Bronchiale: ein Prasixupdate
14. Wiener Komponentenschule 2022: Dr. Anna Zschocke gibt einen Überblick zu Diagnostik und Management des allergischen Asthma Bronchiale
ImmunoCAP Tryptase bei Mastozytose
Tryptase, ein diagnostischer Marker bei Verdacht auf Mastozytose
ImmunoCAP EDN Test für Forschungszwecke
Produktinformation zu ImmunoCAP Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin (EDN) Test für Forschungszwecke
Welche Symptome sind ein Hinweis auf allergisches Asthma?
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Kleine-Tebbe, Allergie- und Asthma-Zentrum Westend in Berlin gibt Hilfestellung für Hausärzte zur Behandlung von Allergien und Asthma.
Go Molecular - Die Allergenkomponenten (Teil 2)
Ein klinisches Handbuch für die molekulare Allergiediagnostik – Übersicht der Allergenkomponenten und deren klinische Relevanz
EliA LKM-1 Test
Flexible und automatisierte Testung auf Autoimmunhepatitis Typ 2.